Chapter 12

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Brian's POV

I was excited when we finally arrived at our destination and I was excited when the drinks finally started flowing, but I was more excited when I saw Gia, the little vixen, show up. Fuck me, she was so damn hot, I wanted to grab her and fuck her right there, I couldn't have given a fuck who saw us, just the sight of her was making my dick throb.

I stood there, drinking my drink, watching her make her way onto the bus, greeting people like she'd known them for years and then I watched as Johnny, who was obviously unable to contain himself, veer staright for Kaitlyn.

"Play it cool you dick." I hissed under my breath, watching him ogle her, before getting her a drink and heading outside.

He looked like such a dick, throwing himself at her, I mean I knew the secret to getting into a girls pants was playing it cool, cool but sexy and I knew I was extremely fucking good at that.

Gia finally saw me and made her way straight to me. She was as keen as me, I knew that and I also knew that by the end of the night I'd have her well and truly fucked, if you know what I mean.

I guided her to the rooms at the back of bus, fucking Jason off. While my dick wanted to fuck her right now, I was hoping to make it last, all night was my plan.

I locked the door, well becasue I didn't want anyone to interrupt us and as soon as I did, the hot heavy kissing started.

Gia was pushing her body against mine, her tongue exploring my mouth and I was letting my hand explore her ass, and fuck, what an ass it was.

"So." She murmured against my lips.

"So." I mumbled, cupping her ass cheeks in both hands and pushing her against me so she could feel my erection. 

She moaned against my lips and I almost blew my load right then. That was it, I needed to slow this down before I came in my pants like a fourteen year old boy.

"Anyway." I said pulling away from her and opening a drawer. "Do you smoke?" I asked, holding up a joint.

She giggled this insane cock teasing giggle and smiled at me. "Of course I fucking smoke."

"Good." I said grabbing her hand and pulling her to a bed, both of us sitting down and getting comfortable.

I lit the joint, taking a big drag, before handing it to Gia.

"So Gia." I said, watching her drag on the joint. "Tell me about yourself."

She took another drag, handing the joint back to me. "There's not much to tell really." She said, smiling widely.

I took a drag, watching her. She was lying, I could tell, she had a huge back story, it was etched on her face, but I really didn't want to know, I didn't need drama, I was just making small talk before I fucked the absolute shit out of her.

"Yeah well." I mumbled, handing the joint back to her. 

She smiled, taking a drag and I stood up. "Drink?" I asked her, noticing that somewhere along the way we'd both finished our drinks.

"Please." She said softly, looking up at me.

I was tempted to undo my pants and ram my cock down her throat, but instead I took the joint, having another deep drag before opening the door and walking out.

The party was really starting to kick off, loads of people talking loudly, the music was getting louder and I smiled, making my way to the beverages.

Now this was my kind of party. Everyone having a good time, and me on the verge of getting a good fuck.

"Hey what are you up to?" Matt asked, suddenly appearing in front of me.

I looked at him, and well, he wasn't having a good time, it was written all over his face. The poor bastard, Mallory had sucked the life right out of him with her blackmailing, and while he could pretend he was happy, I could see the truth, he was fucking miserable.

"You need a good fuck." I said, smiling at him, and that was extactly what he needed.

He frowned. "For fuck sake Brian." He snapped. "It's not always about getting a fuck."

"Rock star life." I chuckled, slapping him on the back and grabbing a couple of beers.

I grabbed the beers and stood up, spying Mila, talking with Jeremy. She was smiling, the uptight bitch was actually smiling and I couldn't help but wonder if maybe Jeremy was going to get a little bit tonight as well.

"Wrong." I mumbled to myself, watching as Mila spied me, clearly excusing herself from Jeremy.

Fuck, she was trying to make her way through the people towards me. I had to think fast and quickly made my way to the toilet before she could catch me.

I turned around and sat on the lid, waiting her out. She was a fucking pest, a cock block and I wasn't sure exactly why she had it in for me. Her sister was a grown ass woman who was capable of making her own decisions in her life. She didn't need Mila sticking her fucking head up everytime she was having a little bit of fucking fun. 

"Great." I mumbled to myself, looking around the small bathroom.

How long was I going to have to wait in here until Queen Cockblock fucked off?

I sat there, considering having a wank, I mean I wanted to fuck the life out of Miss Gia but I didn't want to blow in ten seconds either.

I was just about to consider doing it, when there was a knock on the door, ruining my wank opportunity.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself, opening the door to reveal Zack standing there, looking more than a little drunk. "All yours." I mumbled walking out and looking around.

There was no sign of Mia and I guessed the miserable bitch had gone back to her own bus to sulk over her boring fucking life. That girl needed a good dicking, she really did.

"You took your time." Gia said as I walked in, locking the door once again.

I turned around and had to stop myself from groaning. She was laying on the bed, her skirt caught up and I could see her lace panties peeking out. Fuck, I wanted to bury my face in between her thighs and taste her so badly.

"Oh yeah sorry." I said, feeling disappointed as she sat up, on the edge of the bed. "Yeah you know, people kept stopping me to talk." And I held out the beer for her.

"Yeah I know." She said smiling, reaching out.

My breath suddenly caught in my throat. I thought she was reaching out for the beer, but instead she reached out for the front of my jeans, undoing them, before pulling my cock out.

"Well." She murmured, her breath making me go hard instantly. "What do we have here?"

Before I could answer I felt her tongue lick me, before I felt her lips warp around my dick, sucking the life right out of me.

"Oh jesus." I whispered, grabbing her hair with my right hand, pushing her mouth further down my dick.

Fuck, tonight was going to be amazing.

My Lacerated Soul (Avenged Sevenfold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon