Chapter 7

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​I followed Mallory back to our bus, knowing damn well she was going to rip into me and for once, I wasn't going to let her rip into me like she usually did. Sure enough, as soon as the door closed behind me she was on me, her manicured nail in my face as she screeched at me. "Those...those...FLOOZIES need to go! I don't want them anywhere near you!" I rolled my eyes and pushed past her, grabbing a beer out of the fridge and twisting the top off, another thing she drinking. "First off Mallory" I began, enjoying the look of utter rage on her face as I took a long swig of beer. "They're not going anywhere, they're our opening act. Hired by our manager so get over it. Secondly, I'm not going to stay locked away because you're a paranoid twit. If you can't trust me around a few females then there's no point in getting married."
​I watched with a sick sense of satisfaction as she struggled with what I told her, she knew she acted like an ass but heaven forbid she ever admit it. "You know what Matty? You're just being ridiculous right now. I'll be back later and we can continue this conversation like adults." I groaned in frustration as I watched her march off the bus, bumping into Brian hard as he came up the steps with a smirk on his face. "Enjoy the rest of your night princess!" he hollered out as the door closed, chuckling like an ass. "Dude, why the fuck do you put up with that?! Seriously?" I rolled my eyes at him as I watched him grab a pack of smokes and a couple of beers. "Where are you going now?" I grumbled, already irritated with his behavior...he was like a dog in heat I swear to god. "I'm gonna get to know Gia a little better...find out what she's all about" he chuckled, shoving a cigarette in his mouth as he descended back down the steps. "Maybe you should go keep big sister know so Gia can actually enjoy herself" he teased before disappearing off the bus.

​I had absolutely no intentions of going anywhere but back to the fridge for another beer, I was in no mood to entertain anyone, especially another uptight female like Mila. "Fucking nothing but trouble anyways" I grumbled to myself, watching Johnny attempt to flirt with Kaitlyn as they sat at a picnic table. I searched the area and shook my head as I watched Brian sneak off with Gia, his hand sliding down to her ass as the turned a corner out of sight. "Whatever" I muttered, grabbing my shades and stepping off the bus. I wasn't sure what I was doing outside as I set off in a general direction, I just knew I was restless and already irritated that this tour was taking place...maybe we weren't ready after all.
​My thoughts were interrupted shortly by a loud 'woof' and Mila shouting. "KETCHUP GET BACK HERE!" I had to grin as I turned around and watched this large pit bull come bounding at me, her ears perked up and slobber coming from the corner of her mouth. I braced myself for impact, laughing as she launched herself at me, paws on my chest as she struggled desperately to lick my face. "What are you doing running away from your momma huh?" I teased lovingly, scratching behind her ears. I tried to hold back an amused look as Mila came running over, trying to tuck her hair back into perfection as she scowled at her dog. "I'm sorry...she usually doesn't get away from me" she muttered lamely, her eyes avoiding mine as she took Ketchup's leash and pulled her dog back to her side. "Hey, it's okay honestly" I joked, trying to give her a smile but she was already glaring off in the direction of the buses. "You haven't happened to see my sister, have you?" she bit out, her eyes finally connecting with mine. I took a moment to really look at her, baffled at how she could go from sex siren on stage to this uppity goody two shoes.
​I started to open my mouth to make some sort of excuse but she must have caught on. "She's with Brian, isn't she? Dammit Gia!" It seemed to me that she was a tad overprotective and quite possibly a bit bossy over her sister...that wouldn't go over well on this tour if her sister was anything like Brian. "Hey, it's okay really" I started, squatting down to pet Ketchup "They're both adults, no harm in a little fun, right?" I gave her a reassuring smile, only to have it shot down by a firm, tight lipped scowl.
​"You don't understand, Gia doesn't have any sense of control or judge of character. I smell nothing but trouble from Brian and I don't like him being around my sister." Now, as much as Brian was a bit of a player and liked his alcohol, I felt my hackles rise as she slammed on my best friend. "Whoa, whoa, whoa...wait a minute. Yea Brian is a party animal but he's not a dick. If your sister tells him 'no' then he's not gonna push it." We both glared at each other for a minute before Mila sighed and tugged Ketchup gently, prodding her to walk away with her. "I don't expect someone like you to understand anything!" she stated loudly over her shoulder.
​What the fuck had just happened here?! And when did I become the bad guy for my best friends behavior?!

My Lacerated Soul (Avenged Sevenfold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora