Chapter 5

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​"MILA COME ON OR WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" I yelled up the stairs to our apartment door. The cab driver was waiting outside to take us to where the buses were and if she didn't hurry up we were going to miss the departure. "I'm coming I'm coming!" she puffed out, carrying her last suitcase down the steps. "I had to make sure Mrs. Thomas knew we were coming back in a few months, you know how batty she is." I nodded my head in agreement, taking her suitcase and throwing it in the back of the taxi. "Yea I totally know" I giggled, shoving my sister into the cab ahead of me. I listened with a smirk as Mila gave the cab driver explicit directions to where we would be going before she settled back in the seat, smoothing her khaki shorts out as if there was even a wrinkle present. "You know he probably knows how to get there right?" I chuckled, applying mascara to my eyelashes as he pulled out in to traffic. "Yes, well I wanted to make sure" she stated matter-of-factly, looking at me out of the corner of her eye.
​I finished applying my lip gloss before looking over at her. "What?" Mila shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Do you have to constantly dress like you do when we're on stage? A little decency wouldn't hurt you now and then." I looked down at my attire and frowned. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing? It's shorts and a tank top." Mila sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose before turning to me "Shorts that show the bottoms of your butt cheeks and a tank top that leaves little to the imagination. I'm just could be a little more conservative when we're not performing." Here we go again I thought, staring out the window as the scenery flew by. Mila liked to try and push her hoity-toity stuck up look on me when we weren't on stage and while she rocked it like June Cleaver, it just wasn't for me...I would look ridiculous in dress slacks and a blouse with my tattoos hanging out and my lip ring.
​The rest of the ride we sat in silence, Mila was probably organizing the entire summer in her head while I was thinking about how hot the guys in Avenged Sevenfold were. I didn't know if it was my imagination or not but I could have sworn the one that Larry introduced as Synyster Gates was checking me out. That thought alone made my lip curl into a sly smile, he was definitely the sexiest one out of the bunch...I just hoped he didn't have a stupid girlfriend or something. I looked over at my prim and proper sister and smiled sadly, no matter what...I was determined to have some fun this summer and I had a feeling that he could show me a good time.
​We finally arrived at the back of an enormous building, giving our ID's to the security at the gate before we were allowed through and I could see why! There had to have been a few dozen people around, loading buses and semis. "My god" I stated in awe, turning my head every which way I could in order to look at everything. "What is all this?!" Mila stared out the window looking unamused as she combed her already perfect hair into place. "My guess is the road and production crew loading everything up for the staging." I grabbed my sisters hand in sheer excitement as the taxi driver came to a stop beside two insanely large buses. "Come on Mila! Show some excitement!" I squealed, hugging her quickly before flying out of the cab and around the back, my Schecter Hellraiser was back there and I didn't want anyone but me carrying it, call me silly but it was like my baby. I watched as Mila instructed the cab driver on which bag to pull out first, stifling a laugh at his completely annoyed look. She finally paid him and watched him drive off before coming over to me, dragging two of our biggest suitcases. "Honestly, he was a bit rude" she stated, checking her watch before pulling out her phone and calling Larry.
​"Yes, we're here now but we don't know exactly where we're supposed to be...I thought you said you were going to meet us here...really Larry, how do you expect me to lug all our stuff onto a bus...oh very funny...fine, I'll see you later." I stared at my sister, waiting for her to explain the phone call when I heard a group of guys from behind us call out. "LADIES! WELCOME!" I turned around and smiled as the guys of Avenged came walking off a bus, a bottle of some sort of dark liquor in Brian's hand while Zack and Johnny had shot glasses in theirs. I smirked as Brian, aka Syn hissed something to Johnny before walking straight up to me and handing me a shot glass. "We always do a celebratory shot of whiskey before we start the tour's kind of a tradition" he explained, his eyes on mine as he poured the alcohol in my glass before moving along and filling everyone else's. I snickered as Mila tried to refuse but Matt, the singer and ring leader of the guys gave her a huge smile, show casing dimples I had never seen before...hello gorgeous!
​"Come on...just do this one shot with us and I promise you that we'll never ask again" he was being such a charmer to my sister but I didn't think it was gonna get him anywhere so imagine my surprise when my sister sighed and nodded, taking the shot glass from him. "Fine, just this once I suppose..." I winked at her as we all clinked our glasses together before slamming the shots down. I could feel Brian's eyes on me as I downed the shot in one gulp so I made sure to lick my lips slowly as I handed the shot glass back to him. "Yum" I purred, keeping my blue eyes on his before I turned and took my sisters glass, handing it back to him as well. I watched as a dangerous, sexy smirk played across his lips and knew now that I wasn't imagining things the other day, he had been checking me out. "So which bus is ours?" Mila asked, grabbing another bag of ours off the ground. "Here let me" Matt chimed in, grabbing the rest of our bags and handing them off to the guys "Stop being pricks and help the girls out" he growled, shoving my large duffle bag at Brian.
​I picked up my guitar case and followed the guys past the larger of the bus, that one must have been theirs and back around to a smaller but just as nice bus. Matt handed off all the bags to a guy he introduced as Jason, reaching for my guitar last but I pulled back a little. "No that's okay...I kinda like to keep my guitar with know so I can write songs down as they come to me." "Hey, I do that too!" Johnny piped up from somewhere to my left. "Shut the fuck up Christ, you play what we write for you" Brian stated cockily, winking at me before taking my hand and leading me to the bus door. "This was our bus when we first started out but we had it cleaned and revamped for you girls." I looked over at Mila to see if she was scowling at me for going off with the trouble maker of the group but she was busy talking with Larry who finally decided to show his hide. I followed Brian silently into the bus, listening to him explain where things were and what was what before he opened the door in the very back of the bus. "And where we used to party hard" he stated with a devilish smirk as he took my guitar from me and propped it in the corner. "We used to have couches and a TV back here but we figured you girls would rather have the beds and what not." I had to admit, whoever redid the back of the bus did well...there were two full size beds with a nightstand in the middle, reading lamps above the beds and a closet on either side with a decent sized window above a small dresser.
​I turned to say something to Brian but the look he was giving me caught me off guard. "Just so you know...we're having one hell of a party on our bus with ADTR when we get to our first venue. I hope you girls will join us." I bit the corner of my lip, tugging on my lip ring a little "Well I don't know if Mila will come over but I definitely will." I batted my eyelashes at him coyly, pressing my body against his as I reached around in order to grab my guitar. "Thanks for showing me around" I purred at him, pushing my body closer to his as I glanced at his lips and licked my own. Just as we were getting ready to kiss...I think that's what was going to happen anyways ... I heard footsteps at the front of the bus and my sister call out my name. "What is she, your warden?" he huffed off softly, his eyes resting on my cleavage. I chuckled softly and pushed off him "She's just worried I'll run loose and misbehave, that's all."
​"And will you? Run off and misbehave?" I turned and looked at Brian before winking at him "That's for me to know and you to find out."

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