Chapter 4

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Brian's POV

I took a long drink from the bottle and checked myself out in the mirror, smiling. I looked good, well actually I looked fucking hot, but I always did. I looked at my hair again, making sure no strand was out of place and then I grabbed the bottle, exiting the bathroom.

I walked into my room, pulling on my jeans and a muscle shirt, admiring myself in the mirror once again, before taking another healthy swig.

"You'll nail at least one of them." I told myself in the mirror, and that was my plan, to bed a new girl.

We were meeting up with the new band today, our support act for the new tour, and I had seen pictures of them and I had to say, I fucking liked what I saw. Those two girls were hot as fuck and I was hoping that maybe my charm might snag one, for a quick fuck and to keep me warm on the long lonely nights of this tour.

Well that was my plan anyway, and I had to say it, I usually got any girl I wanted so I was quietly confident.

I took one last swig from the bottle before replacing the cap, grabbed my phone and my keys and went outside to wait for Matt. He was picking me and Johnny up and I got the feeling he didn't trust us to be on time. Fuck, sometimes he acted like a Father more than a friend and I blamed that dumb bitch he was marrying. I still wasn't sure what the fuck he saw in her.

Finally Matt arrived and I ran down to his car before he could start tooting on his damn horn. He had no sense of humour lately and it was beginning to annoy the fuck out of me.

"Yeah Brian." He muttered as I got in. "You could have made an effort." And he looked me up and down.

"What?" I snapped back at him. "We're meeting a band Matt, not my future mother in law."

"Oh yeah." He said sarcastically. "You're totally going to get married."

"Not if it will make me as miserable as you, you sad piece of shit." I growled at him, already over his attitude.

"Whatever." He grumbled as we pulled into Johnny's place. "As long as you behave."

I chuckled as Johnny ran down the path to the car. "Have you seen those girls?" I asked Matt as Johnny got in, already stinking of beer. "I plan on nailing them."

"Jesus Christ." Matt snapped.

Johnny chuckled from the back seat. "You have to beat me first."

I snorted, turning and looking at him, surprised, he'd actually made an effort and dressed up, he looked half decent. "In your dreams short ass." I chuckled at him.

"In both of your dreams." Matt snapped. "This is fucking work for god sake, so can you keep the relationship professional at least?"

"Whatever." I mumbled at him, and fuck he was just so boring. "I'm going to be friendly Matt, whether you like it or not."

He didn't reply and the rest of the trip was made in silence, well except for Johnny singing in the back seat and god it was horrible.

"Shit." Matt mumbled as we arrived at the offices of Hopeless Records. "This brings back memories."

And he was right, it did bring back memories, of us as a struggling band and I guessed that's why we were here, to hopefully give another struggling band the break they needed.

Zack was waiting for us and joined us as we walked towards the offices. He was looking broody as all shit and him and Matt were good company for each other, the miserable pieces of shit.

"Where's Arin?" Zack asked as we all walked in.

"Practicing." Matt said and I had to give it to the kid, he had dedication and he was drumming his heart out to ensure he didn't mess up on this tour.

"Well." Shelby screeched as we all walked in. "Here are some faces I haven't seen in a while."

We all went about greeting her, it was nice to see a familiar face after all of this time.

"Larry's waiting for you." She told us, still smiling. "So head on in."

We walked towards the office and Matt went to knock. I pushed him out of the way, bursting into the office, grinning. "Larry." I yelled, walking over to the conference table and making myself comfortable. "What's doing?"

"The usual." He chuckled as we all got comfortable. "You know."

I just nodded, glancing around, then Johnny spoke up, reading my mind. "Where's the beer?" He asked.

"There isn't any." Larry grumbled. "And the girls should be here in a moment so I'd like it if you behaved."

"You and me both." Matt muttered and I looked at him, rolling my eye's. "So." Mat said turning his full attention to Larry. "What are they like? Are they ready for a tour?"

Larry grinned, nodding. "They're more than ready." He told us. "And I found them a drummer, so they're set, these girls are talented, naturals, they deserve this break, so thanks again for offering it too them."

"Yeah well." I said, sitting back getting comfortable. "We were there once."

"Yes you were." Larry started, as his phone interrupted us. He snatched it up, smiling. "Well send them in." He hung up looking at us. "The girls are here."

I sat back, putting on my best smile and watched as the door opened.

I admired the first girl to walk through, she had crazy hair, her make up was on point and more importantly, her skirt was so short that if she bent over I'd be able to see her vagina. She was hot and sexy and I felt my dick twitching in approval.

I wasn't sure who the second girl was to be honest. She walked in, looking perfect, in her tailored sun dress, not a hair out of place, shoes immaculate and I guessed that maybe she was one of their representatives. I was a little disappointed that the other sister wasn't here, because from what I'd seen she was pretty damn hot as well.

"Gentleman." Larry said, smiling at us as the girls got comfortable. "I give you the Suicidal Butterflies, also known as Mila and Gia." He explained and I frowned, looking at them. "Gia is multi talented and plays lead guitar as well as vocals, and Miss Mila here has a voice to die for."

I looked at Gia and she smirked at me. Fuck yes, I just knew I'd have her in bed at some stage of this tour and then I looked at her sister, Mila. She looked nothing like the pictures I'd seen of the band, in the pictures she'd worn out there clothes and I remembered a pair of leather pants that barely covered her vagina, but this, this sitting in front of me looked like an uptight bitch in need of a good fucking.

"She's yours." I hissed at Johnny.

He could have Miss Stick Up Her Ass, I already had plans for the naughty little Gia and as she winked slyly at me my dick responded.

Fuck yes, this tour was going to be amazing.

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