Chapter 2

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Mila's POV

I sat in that office feeling the pressure. Gia was looking at me with a don't you dare refuse look on her face and Larry was sitting there smirking at me, well because he knew I could never refuse Gia anything.

"Look." I said, looking between the two of them. "We really aren't ready for that kind of gig."

"Well." Larry said, crossing his hands and resting them on the desk. "I think you are more than ready, I mean you girls are fabulous and it's about time everyone else knew. This is an opportunity you really don't want to miss Mila."

"Well Larry." I said, failing to keep the sarcasm out of my voice. "We don't even have a drummer."

"Pffft." He said waving his hand around. "Leave the drummer up to me."

"Mila." Gia started but I held my hand up, silencing her, well trying to at least.

"Fine." I mumbled. "You find me a decent drummer and I'll consider doing this tour."

"Mila." Larry said. "It's a 45 minute slot, in front of a sold out crowd."

I sighed. He had a point, I mean this was an opportunity of a lifetime, and yes I didn't really want to pass it up, but let's be honest, I was the logical thinker of two sisters.

"What about money?" I asked, I mean that really was what was important here. He was asking us to put our jobs on hold for a tour, we needed money to survive.

"Well of course you'll be paid." Larry went on. "You'll be the first act, A Day To Remember will play second before Avenged take the stage."

"Oh my god." Gia cried, grinning at me. "A Day To Remember." And then she started poking my arm. "Jeremy."

"For god sake." I snapped at her, pushing her hand away. Yes I had a little crush on Jeremy but it wasn't going to influence my decision.

"Okay okay." Larry chuckled, standing up and signalling the end of the meeting. "I'm telling them yes." I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off. "Mila, use your brain, you need this." And he walked towards the door. "Leave the drummer up to me okay, now go, you have some preparing to do."

I rolled my eye's at him and listened to Gia whooping to herself as we exited the office. Wasn't this great? Now Larry was organising my career and my life apparently.

"I'll call you in a few days." Larry called out as we stepped into the elevator.

I ignored him, I'd be calling him tomorrow, if he wanted us to do this well he was going have to deal with me annoying the fuck out of him.

"Oh my god." Gia squealed as the elevator descended. "Can you believe this?"

"No." I said dryly. "I can't."

"And Jeremy." She squeaked, pinching my arm.

"For godsake Gia." I snapped. "Just because I admire someone doesn't mean I'm going to drop everything to go on tour with them."

"Oh admire." She giggled. "Is that what we're calling it."

I ignored her and rode the lift down in silence. I wasn't buying into her crush scenario right now, I was too pissed at Larry for that.

"Oh my god." Gia screeched again as I marched towards the car. "We need new stage outfits."

I opened the car, climbing in and rolling my eye's. Stage outfits were the least of my worries at the moment.

"Seriously Mila." She went on. "We need new clothes."

"And." I snapped, pulling out into the traffic. "Exactly what money are we going to use to buy these damn clothes?"

And that was the problem. We weren't poor, but we weren't rich. We managed to make ends meet but that was about it. I was always balancing the bank accounts while Gia just went out and did whatever she wanted. I guess I was the sensible one of the two of us, well someone had to be.

"The credit card." She said grinning at me.

"Nope." I said shaking my head. "The credit card is for emergencies."

"And Mila." She said, smiling her damn smile, the smile that I could never refuse. "This is an emergency."

I slowed the car to a stop at a red light and looked over at my baby sister. She smiled at me with her wide eye's and I knew right then that of course we were going shopping for stage outfits, I couldn't refuse her and she knew that. She always took advantage of it.

Yes, Gia and I hadn't had a great life, we were all the other had left in the world and while I cherished it, wanting to protect her, Gia still found wonder in the world, after everything that had happened, and I swore she went out of her way just to annoy me. I saw nothing nice in the world, it was a cold horrible place and the only warm spot for me was my sister.

"Fine." I said softly as the light went green. I couldn't refuse her and I knew I would never be able to.

Gia clapped her hands, laughing. "Straight to Sassy's."

Sassy's was a friend of Gia's, she owned a clothing shop where we got most of our stage wear from.

When on stage I liked to dress differently, while Gia dressed the same as she always did. Her outfits left very little to the imagination, on and off the stage.

By the time we arrived at Sassy's store she had already gathered several outfits for us and I grabbed mine, heading to the change room.

"I already have leather pants." I announced to the two of them as I walked out in my first outfit.

It consisted of an extremely tight pair of leather pants and a top that was barely a band, just covering my breast.

"Hot fucking damn." Gia cried, winking at me. "I do not know why you hide your body Mila, you are fucking gorgeous."

"You can never have too many leather pants." Sassy added, shoving a pair of black, extremely high heels at me. "For the school girl outfit." She told me. "You have that knack with heels, you can do anything in them."

I grabbed them, heading back to the change room, already deciding that this would be an outfit for the tour. Sassy was right, I did have a knack with heels, not that that was important, it wasn't exactly something I could put on my resume.

While I changed into the next outfit I could hear Gia and Sassy clucking over clothes. Gia had no shame and I knew she was just ripping clothes on and off in the middle of the shop, not caring who walked in.

I finished getting dressed and I stood back, looking and smiling. This outfit was perfect, it really was.

I looked at myself, standing there in an extremely short tartan skirt, a barely there midriff top and I pulled the socks on up over my knees before slipping my feet into the black heels.

This was perfect and it matched my stage persona to a tee and I knew the crowd would love it.

Yep while I was in the real world I was an uptight bitch who wanted her world to run smoothly, but when I was on stage, well I was a slut, a slut that every boy had had a wet dream over.

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