Chapter 9

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​As soon as our bus pulled away in line behind the other buses Mila was on me hard core. "I don't like how he looks at you Gia. He looks at you like you're a piece of meat and he's a starving hyena." I laughed at her comparison of us as I tore through my suitcase, looking for something sexy to wear to the party tonight. I had learned a long time ago to let my sister rant and rave till she had nothing left to say before I spoke my mind so for the next ten minutes I did just that. I let Mila spew about everything from this tour being a bad idea, to how much of a man whore she thought Brian was to how irritating Matt was that he tried so hard to be nice to her. "And why on god's green earth are you wearing THAT?!"  she screeched, pointing at my outfit of choice; an extremely short, plaid school girl skirt, the undies to match it with ruffling on the butt and my leather vest that showed my midriff and cleavage all at the same time.
​I smirked at her as her cheeks went pink when I started undressing in front of her, she always seemed to feel uncomfortable with this even though we took baths together up until I was 10 and she was 12 just to save on water. "I'm wearing this to the party Mila, we're part of a tour now and I'm not going to change my looks because it makes you uncomfortable." Mila snorted as she stared into the corner as I finished dressing. "It only makes me uncomfortable because I'll have to protect you against all the guys that will be pawing at you now. Jesus Gia you're asking to get raped in that outfit!" I sighed softly and squatted down in front of my sister, giving her my innocent smile that I knew would butter her up. "Mila" I started quietly "I love you to death. You're my sister and I would literally kill for you but please, don't treat me like I'm a little girl anymore. What happened in the past is in the past. We got away from it and learned to protect ourselves. I swear I won't get stuck in a situation where I can't defend myself 100% but with that being said, I want to have fun and right now Brian smells like fun."
​I knew Mila wanted to argue with me more but I was done talking, I leaned up and hugged her tightly before grabbing my makeup case and walked into the bathroom. I took my time applying everything just right before spritzing on perfume, smiling satisfactorily at my reflection. There would be no resistance tonight I thought to myself...I planned on getting to know Brian more...more up close and personal that is. Thankfully by the time I came out, Mila and Kaitlyn were deep in conversation about something musical, leaving me to flip through the channels on TV in relative peace for the next few hours. At some point I must have dozed off, only to be woken up by the bus jolting to a stop and Ketchup whining from her bed on the floor. "What's the matter girl? You getting restless?" I cooed to her as I scratched her head and stood up, stretching my limbs slowly. I didn't say much to either Mila or Kaitlyn as the bus driver exited, heading off towards where the other drivers were going. I knew Mila wasn't happy about me going to the party but I wasn't staying on this bus any longer than I had to. I walked off first, with Kaitlyn following behind me talking to Mila about Johnny while Mila prepared to take Ketchup for a walk, only to throw a warning at me at the last second before she disappeared into the darkness. "BE CAREFUL GIA!"
​I rolled my eyes and took Kaitlyn's arm in mine, walking towards the guys bus and another one which I had to assume was ADTR's bus. Music was already bumping pretty good from the bus and I knew that knocking would be futile, they wouldn't hear us but I had no clue how to open the stupid hi-tech door. Thankfully, one of the guys must have seen us walk over because next thing I knew, Zack was opening the door with beers in his hand as he stood back to let us on. "Ladies!" he stated with a drunken smirk, handing us each a beer. I gave him a wink and a smirk as I stepped up into the bus, amazed at how many people were already crammed in there, the lights were darkened which made it harder to see who was who. "Brian is in the back" Johnny snickered to me, nodding his head in the direction he mentioned before he turned his attention to Kaitlyn. I made my way through the crowd, saying 'hi' to the guys in ADTR as well as Matt and Arin before I finally found Brian. He had his back to me at the moment but whoever he was talking to must have noticed me because his eyes scanned me over as he said something to Brian before heading my way, only to be stopped by Brian's hand on his chest. "Jeremy, this is Gia. Gia, Jeremy." I smirked as Brian's hand slid to my ass possessively...already claiming me, are you? I thought as I said hi to Jeremy, recognizing him now that he stepped out of the darkness more.
​"Let's go back here" Brian stated in my ear, his voice warm and heady, making my thighs quiver with excitement. I followed him back towards the end of the bus and into the big open room, smiling slyly at how dark and quiet the room was. "Jason get the fuck out" Brian chuckled, kicking at something in the near darkness. I listened as their roadie grumbled something to whomever he was with before their forms passed by us and out the door. I listened as the lock clicked into place, my excitement raising considerably as Brian's hands went to my hips, pulling me tight up against him. "Your sister isn't a locksmith by any chance, is she?" he chuckled, his hands sliding around to grasp my ass tightly. "Not that I know of" I murmured in a coy voice, my palms going to his chest as I felt him lean in more. "Good" he mumbled, a second before his lips sealed against mine, his tongue tasting my lips skillfully. His hands kept a grip on my ass as we began kissing hot and heavy, leaving me no choice but to press my body tight up against his. I could feel my body melting at his touch and I could see now why Mila was worried...I was definitely going to get in trouble with this one...and I looked forward to every second of it!

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