Chapter 8

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Brian's POV

"So." I said, smirking at Gia. "Why don't you tell me about yourself?"

She bit her lip, leaning back against the wall and looking up at me. "What do you want to know?"

She was flirting with me, I just knew it. Yeah I was flirting with her, but fuck me, she was flirting back and it was making me kind of hot.

"Well." I murmured, leaning closer to her, reaching out and putting my hand on her hip lightly, caressing it. "Are you looking forward to the tour?"

She nodded, smiling at me. "I am." She whispered and fuck me, her voice sent shivers down my spine. 

That was it, I was going in for the kiss, and I smirked at her, licking my lips. She wanted me to kiss her, I could tell by the way she was looking at my lips.

"LET'S GO." Matt suddenly screamed from the buses and right then I wanted to punch him in the mouth.

"Great timing." I muttered, stepping away from Gia.

"GIAAAAAA." Mila started yelling and Gia looked at me rolling her eye's.

"So is she like your sister or your babysitter?" I asked Gia as we turned to walk back to the buses.

"She's not that bad." She said softly as we started walking.

"Really." I chuckled. "She seems like a major cockblock to me."

Gia laughed softly. "She just worries." 

I shook my head as Mila wailed for Gia again. "Yeah apparently real worried." I mumbled to myself, wondering if the tight bitch was going to pop up every time I tried to get Miss Gia alone.

"So." Gia said, stopping suddenly and turning to me. "The party tonight?"

"Yes." I said, encouraging her to continue.

"Everyone's going?" She asked, biting her damn fucking lip again.

"Yep, all the band's, the roadies, everyone." I told her, trying not to look at her lip biting. "Why?"

"Well." She whispered, stepping closer to me. "Maybe we can get to know each other better tonight?"

"Um." I muttered, my voice breaking. "Maybe we can." And the Mila screamed again. "Or maybe not."

Gia chuckled. "Leave Mila to me." She said winking. "She has a thing for Jeremy, just introduce them and she'll be out of our hair."

"Oh is that right?" I laughed, finding it hard to believe that that uptight bitch would have a thing for anybody.

"Yep." Gia giggled and fuck me, I wanted to fuck her right here and now.

But, surprise surprise, Mila chose that moment to walk around the corner, and fuck, she looked pissed.

"We've been looking for you." She snapped at Gia, completely ignoring my existence.

"We were just getting to know each other." Gia said in a soothing voice. "Relax Mila."

I watched as Gia hooked her arm into her sister's and walked towards the bus.

"See you later Brian." She threw over her shoulder, giving me one of her loin quivering smiles.

"Oh you can fucking bet on it." I mumbled to myself, walking towards our bus.

I finished my beer, then climbed on board to see everyone else was already here and waiting. I was truly fucking disappointed to see Mallory sitting there, next to Matt, glaring at me. 

I hated Mallory and I really wasn't sure what Matt saw in her, but I was pretty sure Mallory and Mila would get on like a house on fire. They were both uptight bitches who enjoyed ruining other peoples fun.

I grunted at her as I walked past. Honestly I hated the thought of wasting oxygen on her. I let Matt know I didn't like her and fuck I hoped to god he didn't marry her, it would be the end of the band, she'd make sure of that.

"Let's hit the road." Matt said as everyone settled back, getting comfortable.

"Yeah let's." Mallory muttered, loud enough for everyone to hear.

I needed alcohol to put up with this shit and I grabbed another beer before settling back for the trip.

"So." I said, turning to look at Mallory. "Why exactly are you on this tour? To make sure Matt has a fucking miserable time?"

Matt just shook his head at me, his eye's begging me not to start, which made me feel bad, well for Matt at least, not Mallory, I couldn't stand the bitch.

"So." I said quickly changing the subject. "What do you think of the girl's?" And I threw the question out to everyone on the bus.

"Well." Johnny said, grinning like a fucking idiot. "I think Katelyn is pretty fantastic."

I rolled my eye's at him, he was pretty taken with Katelyn already but I needed to teach him the art of playing it cool.

"Yeah." Zack said, piping up. "I'm having a hard time imaging Mila dressed the way she is on stage."

I nodded in agreement, I was having a hard time imaging it too, I mean she was so fucking uptight.

"What do you mean?" Mallory suddenly asked, sitting up straighter in her seat.

"Oh well." Matt explained. "She wears some, um, well, different clothing choices when on stage."

I laughed at him, stumbling over his words so he didn't offend the bitch.

"Yeah she basically wears as little as possible." I chuckled, getting joy out the expression I saw on her face.

"Well I'm not surprised." She snapped, glaring at Matt. "I told you." She hissed at him. "Slut's, they all look like cheap hookers."

"Don't start." Matt muttered, turning to look out the window.

"Don't start?" She hissed. "Don't start what Matthew." She went on, her voice grating on my nerves. "I can judge a person by one glance and I told you, I told you she was a floozy."

"For god sake Mallory." Matt snapped. "She looks like anything but a floozy, jesus, please, don't start already, we've been on the road for five fucking minutes."

"Don't start." She screeched and I looked at Zack, rolling my eye's. It had already started and it would probably continue for the whole tour.

"Who wants a beer?" I asked standing up, hoping to change the topic of conversation.

"Me." Matt muttered, ignoring the death stare Mallory threw at him.

She hated him drinking, she hated us drinking, no actually, Mallory just hated us, but that was fine, the feeling was mutual.

I grabbed the beers then went and sat near Zack, fuck sitting there looking at her miserable face for the whole trip.

Zack, Johnny and I strapped in, drinking a lot as the bus made the journey and the drunker we got, the quicker the trip seemed to go, until finally we made it to our destination.

The bus pulled up and I stood up grinning. "It's time to party." I called out as everyone started piling off the bus, drinks in hand, loudly talking.

It was time to party, but as I looked out the window and saw the girls bus arrive I couldn't help but smile to myself. I just knew I was getting that fine piece of ass tonight and fuck, I was looking forward to it.

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