Chapter 11

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​I knew Mallory wasn't happy about this party but I was quickly learning to not give a shit what she thought lately. I knew the guys hated her and thought I was a pussy for marrying her but I didn't know what else to do, her parents were constantly threatening me and I didn't need any more bullshit in my life than what we already had with trying to move on without Jimmy.

I shook my head as I grabbed 2 cases of beer off the small truck that was sitting next to the bus, I didn't need to go down that dark road right now. Instead, I concentrated on helping Zack and Brian set the bus up for the party as well as the area around the buses because if I knew anything about tour kick off parties, this one was going to get wild and it was going to be packed. I busied myself with cramming coolers full of ice and beer bottles while Brian crowed about how he was pretty sure he was gonna get Gia in bed with him...or anywhere there was available fuck space. "Jesus Gates do you think you could have a little fucking self-restraint? Just this once perhaps?!" I spat, wiping the sweat from my forehead before pulling my shirt off. I turned around to grab more cases of beer, not wanting to listen to more of Brian's bullshit when I spotted Mila coming around the back of their bus with her dog. I smiled and waved at her when she glanced this way, smirking as she seemed to blush slightly before storming off inside her bus. There was something about her that really intrigued me...

​The party was well under way by the time Gia and Kaitlyn showed up on our bus but I was too busy keeping Mallory under control to offer them much more than a hi and a nod of my head before Mallory was back to whining in my ear about everything under the sun. "Matty this noise is too much!" she whined, grabbing my arm tightly "Can't you make them turn it down?" I rolled my eyes at her as I watched Gia make her way back to where I knew Brian was, at least some people got to have fun I thought miserably before turning back to Mallory. "It's a party for fucks sakes, if you don't like the noise and whatnot I can always take you back to the hotel room" I spat out, trying my best to not pick a fight with her in front of everyone. "And leave you alone around all these sluts?! I think not!" she snapped, glaring at one of the ADTR's girlfriends as she came up the stairs into the bus.
​"For fucks sakes Mallory! If you can't trust me then why the fuck are you so adamant on marrying me?!" I knew I backed myself into a corner with that comment but she had me so fucking irate anymore I couldn't hold my tongue. Mallory gave me a slow, vindictive smile as she pressed close to me, running her hand up and down my chest as she looked at the diamond ring that she picked out for me to place on her knobby finger. "You know damn well why I am Matthew...need I remind you of a little slip up back home? Hmm?" My anger was so close to boiling over I could almost feel my fingers wrap around her neck as I imagine choking the life from her. Whoa Sanders! Get a grip I scolded myself mentally, not knowing where this intense anger was coming from.
​​Just as I was about to shove her off me I heard the bus door open again, smiling for once as Mila appeared behind Zack, an unsure look on her face. I pushed Mallory to the side, determined to win Mila's trust over since she obviously had a large trust issue with men...I was going to show her we all weren't pieces of shit. I walked up to her, my best smile on my face as I greeted her. "Want a drink?" I added, holding out a beer bottle. Mila shook her head, looking so out of place in her perfectly ironed outfit amongst all the rock stars but I couldn't help but think she was still attractive...wholesome even with a layer of something that was so well hidden it might have been easier penetrating Fort Knox.
​I somehow knew Mallory was glaring at her from over my shoulder so I stepped in between them, blocking her condescending glare from Mila as she looked around. "So...Where's Gia?" she asked casually. Zack and I gave each other a look before glancing off in separate directions. It was obvious that Mila didn't trust her sister around Brian and quite frankly I didn't blame her, still, it wasn't my place to but in so I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly and put my hand on her back, keeping it high in the friend zone. "She's around here somewhere...but let me introduce you to the other guys around here. They've been dying to meet the other half of our amazing opening act." I knew Mila wasn't in the mood for mingling or for my charm but stubbornness wouldn't let me give up as I ushered her through throngs of people, introducing her as we went along. "And this is..." I started to introduce her to Jeremy but he beat me to the punch, smiling as he held out his hand and introduced himself by name.
​I stood there in shock and a little bit of jealousy as I watched Mila's face actually light up as she shook his hand, almost immediately striking up a conversation with him. What was it about him that had this cold, standoff-ish girl opening up and smiling? I grumbled to myself as I walked away, obviously not included in their discussion while Mallory continued to glare at me from across the bus...fuck my life I thought...what a fucking nightmare

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