7 | He Helps You Sleep

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You groan out in frustration as you try to go to sleep again without any success.

It was 3:00 in the morning and you couldn't get a damn minute of sleep.

Bruno, on the other hand, was knocked out cold, snoring like a loud ass rhino with a blocked nose in your ear, which really wasn't helping your situation.

"Shut that shit up," you say lowly to yourself but mostly talking to Bruno.

You suck your teeth loudly before flopping tot he side of the bed.

"Stop moving around so much baby. Let me sleep." Bruno says groggily, putting his hand on your stomach.

"No. I can't sleep." You say, turning back around to face Bruno.

Acting like he didn't hear you, he pretends to be asleep.

"Bruno," you whisper, punching him in his chest.

"What?" He says aggravated as he opens one eye to look at you.

"I can't sleep," you repeat.

Bruno rubs his face before laying down on his back.

"Come over here and lay on daddy's chest." He says, patting his chest.

You giggle as you climb on top of Bruno's lap before laying down on top of him.

As soon as you lay your head down on his chest, you hear his soft steady heartbeat automatically relaxing you.

Bruno wraps his strong arms around you before kissing your forehead.

"Bruno, can you sing to me?" You ask, looking up at you.

You absolutely loved when Bruno sung to you. His beautiful voice always helped you relax and go to sleep.

"Yeah sure. What song do you want me to sing?"

"Hmm. How about Straight Up and Down?", you suggest, looking up at him.

Bruno nods his head and clears his throat jokingly. "Me me me me me" He sings making you bust out laughing.

"Stop playing and sing," you say, still laughing.

"Alright. Alright," Bruno says, chuckling.

"Girl, I bet your momma named you good looking,
Cause you sure look good too me
My attention, oh yes, you just took it
You probably the finest thing that I ever seen..."

By the time he makes it to the second chorus off the song, you're knocked out sleep.

Bruno stops singing and puts the cover over both of you.

"Goodnight y/n," he says softly before kissing you on your forehead.

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