7 | The Worst

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Song: The Worst | Jheno Aiko

Y'all know the deal. Listen to the song before or while reading. Just do this for every song based imagine please. 😂😂

You sigh loudly as you plop down on the couch after a long day of cleaning up the entire house.

You really didn't have the chance to cook dinner or anything because you were so exhausted but to be honest, you weren't really that hungry anyways.

After a few hours go by of watching reruns of "The Simpsons", you were interrupted by your boyfriend of 6 months, Devontae, bursting through the door.

"Hey baby," he says, taking off his black leather jacket and shoes.

"Hey," you say lightly getting up to greet him.

He kisses you softly on your lips making you want to throw up.

You inwardly roll your eyes as he kneels down and starts smelling all over you to make sure you haven't had sex with anyone.

"Did you make any dinner?" He asks getting back up.

Fuck, you think to yourself.

"No I couldn't because I -" you were interrupted when you feel a hard punch connect to your jaw, making you fall down in surprise.

Holding your jaw, you feel yourself start to tear up.

"Get your ass up!"

You try to get up but everything is blurry and you can't seem to regain your balance.

"Didn't I tell you to get the fuck up?!" He yells, pulling you up by your hair.

"You stupid ungrateful bitch. I work my ass off all day just to come home to your pathetic ass siting on the couch and no dinner." He yells, gripping your throat.

You scream out as he slaps you on the side of face.

This is what you had to endure with for the past 4 months. The first 2 months were perfect. He treated you like a queen, spoiled you, everything you've ever wanted. But by the 3rd month, he turned into this person you didn't know. This abusive monster.

He'll humiliate you in front of his friends, try to control you, slap you, push you, beat you, and so much more.

You have the scratches and scars to prove it.

You couldn't run away because if you tried he'll just track you down and kill you. Literally.

And to be completely honest, you were starting to get really fed up with his bullshit.

You're brought back to reality when you feel a hard punch on your arm.

"I know your ass heard me." He grits.

"No wonder your grandmother died. She couldn't handle your annoying dumb ass."

That's when you start to feel complete anger build up inside of you. You were already angry but the shit that just came out of his mouth only caused it to grow even more.

Making sure he doesn't see you, you slowly glide your hand against the wall towards the glass wine cup sitting beside you on the table.

Quickly grabbing it, you take it and smashing it over his head, making him fall to the ground.

"Shit!" He yells, holding his head.

At first you're surprised by what you did but soon enough reality sets back in.

You pounce on top of him and start beating the living shit out of him.

All the memories of him abusing you come back to you all at once, angering you even more.

You're not mad, you're fucking enraged.

"You fucking sorry excuse of a man! The fuck is wrong with you?! Fucking piece of shit!", you scream,

"Get the fuck off of me!" He says, trying to cover his face.

When you think you couldn't get anymore pissed, you do. This reminds you of all of the times you tried to defend yourself and only got knocked unconscious.

Your punches get even more stronger because of all the anger and pain you're feeling right now.

"Shut the the fuck up! Pussy ass nigga! How the fuck does it feel to get the shit beat out of you, huh?!? It doesn't feel so great, does it?!?" You scream at him.

You hear a loud crack but you just keep on beating the hell out of him. Right now, you're like an angry punching machine that can't be stopped.

And after all the shit he's put you through, you sure as hell wasn't about to feel any sympathy for him. Where was your sympathy when you were getting abused and beaten by him?

You don't realize how much damage you've done until you hear the loud cries of police sirens and the sound of helicopters surround your house.

Don't worry, Bruno will be included soon. Just stick with me. 😌😌

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