Chapter Nine- I Do

Start from the beginning

But, Jason’s laughter was cut off as a soft object struck his face.

“Hey!” he whined lightheartedly, opening his eyes to the image of a curly haired woman with a large, white pillow, raised above her head. She was giggling incessantly and poised to attack.

Jason scoffed, picking up a pillow to defend himself.

Both people, now fully awake, began to better each other with fleecy cushions for a good five minutes.

Finally, they both tired of the fight and merrily agreed on a truce. 

“Why’d you come in here last night anyway?” Alice queried, slumping back against the plush cushioned bed-head.

Jason crossed his legs and casually flung a woolly, fawn blanket over both of them and the bed-head.

The downy material cocooned them under a cozy tent. The light barley seeped through the cloak of fleece, just enough so that the daybreak was reduced to a mellow luster.

“I didn’t mean to” Jason explained, “It was dark and I was half asleep. I thought it was my room”

Alice expelled a tinkling laugh. At this, Jason smiled broadly.

“What were you doing out of bed?” 

As soon as the words left her lips, Alice wished she could guzzle them back. She didn’t wish to reveal that she was the one clattering around in the hallway.

“I heard a noise.” Jason shrugged, not picking up on the flash of anxiety in his wife’s eyes.

Alice nodded, causing a curtain of pale gold curls to tumble over her face.

The muscles in Jason’s face slackened, his nut-brown eyes softened. He leaned forward and gently brushed the tresses from the girl’s cheek, and tucked them behind her ear.

A small gasp caught in her throat and Alice blinked up at her husband as he leaned over her, his eyes not leaving hers. 

Jason’s face hovered inches from Alice’s. His breath so close and warm, it made her heart beat like the wings of a hummingbird.

Scraping up all of the loose flecks of courage that she could find, Alice closed the distance between her and Jason. Her lips brushing against his. Quick to respond, Jason brought his arms up around the young woman, pulling her closer. Her hands grasped the back of his neck as he deepened the kiss. Alice felt goosebumps rise on her skin, the warmth of his chest against hers sent her heart into another frenzy. 

Jason eventually pulled away, but his arms did not leave his wife. He cradled her as she allowed her chin to settle on his shoulder. Both waited for their hearts to calm down and their breathing to steady.

Alice lifted her head and pulled back so she could see the her husband’s face.

He smiled at her. She smiled back.

Suddenly, Jason’s expression changed. He frowned slightly and he dropped his gaze in thought.

“What?” Alice whispered, bobbing her head to meet his eyes again.

“Nothing it’s just....”

“What is it?” 

“I thought...” Jason started uncertainly, “I thought you were upset with me.”

 Alice looked puzzled.

“After the party.”, The young man elaborated, “You looked sad. I thought I might have done something to hurt you.”

The blonde woman felt guilt’s talons, clawing at her chest. Her heart felt heavy. Her stomach felt like lead. 

Tell him about Caleb.

Tell him.

Alice fought back the words. 


Don’t tell him.

It’ll ruin everything.

You’re happy now.

Don’t tell him.

“No it’s not you. It’s...” Alice began, her voice barley audible.

“Tell me.” Jason urged, his face etched with concern.

“It’s... Caleb.” 

Jason crawled backwards slightly. His arms fell by his sides. Slowly, he lifted the blanket that cloaked them, and tossed it aside. 

Their eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the increased brightness.

“What about Caleb?”

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