"If you are asking if there are others that live here," he answered back calmly. His cool and composed attitude bothered her a little, making her have a stronger need to anger him or something. She couldn't really explain the feeling. "Yes, but as for me living alone, I always have."

Well that sure put a damper on her plans to anger him, arise an emotion from him. She sighed, he was already seeming to battle some emotion of his own. Always living alone? It was hard not to pity him. She was alone now and it was the hardest thing in the world. She could never imagine always living alone. Maybe he was lying. He must have someone that cares. His mother? His father? Someone.

He stopped in front of large double doors with a chandelier giving a soft glow above it, highlighting the oily shine of the hard dark wood. Almost black but not quite. It surprisingly seemed modern. Well maintained indeed. No doubt he was wealthy, if the sheer size of this condo and the invaluable pieces decorating it weren't an already dead give away. Who knew a condo could be this large?

It was another bright neon sign on how way out of her league he was. How did he find her interesting at all? She was quite boring when compared to all that he had and could possibly have.

Almost tripping, she fell into his side. A band of steel was around her waist with remarkable speed before she could move away and pulled her even tighter to his side. She looked up at him and their eyes met.

Eyes of burning gold hypnotized her, everything else disappearing to a blur. His hand came up to her face, she flinched despite knowing he wouldn't hurt her. It was just an instinct she couldn't stop.

There was then the soft scrap of the pad of his thumb against her cheek. She involuntarily shivered, his touch reaching down to her core. She didn't even realize she gripped his shirt tighter, crushing the perfectly crisp expensive shirt under her tiny fists.

"What do you do to me?" He asked and Liz blinked, trying to interpret his words but she wasn't quite able to get over the sweet rasp of his voice. "Breathe, Beth."

His voice was no longer a whisper and Liz heard the order in that voice loud and clear. Blinking away the moment, she loosened her grip on him but she couldn't do much else since his arm was still securely locked around her waist.

"I said breathe, not to let go," she shook her head and he loosened his grip then. The double doors then opened and there was a quite average height Asian woman in an almost charcoal apron and what looked like a maid's dress underneath with surprisingly blonde hair. He turned to the maid that was around ten to twenty years older than him.

"Dinner is ready," she informed them. Sabastian checked the large Rolex on his hand, the dim light from the chandelier above causing the diamonds to sparkle as he lifted the sleeve of his shirt.

"Just on time," was his reply before beckoning her inside what Liz presumed to be the sunroom, but it was night now. And the sight was stunning. Liz couldn't bite back the gasp that left her lips as she went inside.

The room was in complete darkness except for the candles lit on the table.

Liz almost swooned at how awfully classic romantic it all was. She would never thought that could be. Spinning around, she saw him leaning against the door masked by the shadows watching her silently.

"This is stunning." She stared at him amazed and he chuckled.

"Ahhh, but I have yet to see the view that measures up to you," he told her, flashing her a charming smile that had her weak to her knees. She offered a weak smile in return as he pulled the chair from under the table for her to sit. Chivalry wasn't dead after all. "Would you care to sit down?"

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