With him!? (Harry)

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Summary: you're the daughter of the queen of hearts. You're the only one at auradon prep who doesn't have to share a room. Until this pirate arrived. And because you're the princess of Hearts you don't like to share. Harry has a lot of other sleeping habits then you. And just say, it'll cause a lot of trouble.

You're sitting in the office of Ben, king of Auradon and principal of your school.
"No way Ben, that's not going to happen!"

A few more kids from the isle showed up here in Auradon. And Ben wanted you to share a room with one of them.
"Y/n, I'm begging you. All the rooms are full and you're the only one without a roommate."

"Then let me share my room with Uma."
You pleased.

"Nope." Already with Mal and Evie.

"Are there other girls, cause I'm not going to share a room with him!"

"Y/n, everyone is already sharing a room except you."

Your temper was building up, not getting what you wanted irritated you.
"Every girl is already sharing a room with a GIRL!"
You stood up, making yourself bigger than him trying to intimidate him.

He stood up too, automatically showing how short and tiny you actually are.
"Y/n, it isn't a request anymore. I demand you to share your room with that pirate!"

The defeated you stood there, not believing she had lost.
You left his office, making sure you threw everything out of its place when it was in your way.

Back by the door of your room you had trouble with opening it.
"Dammit!" You cursed.

And five seconds later a boy arrived by your door with the most perfect eyes you ever saw.
"Ah, ye are my new roommate. I suppose?"
He leaned an arm above your head, staring in your eyes.

"Yes" you said and escaped from his grip. "But its originally my room so you're going to listen to MY rules."

You opened your laptop and started to write something down.
The pirate stood behind you, looking at your room who you two now had to share.

"You know, you didn't even introduced yourself. Princess."

"Y/n Hearts, princes of Hearts daughter from the queen of hearts."
You told him what he wanted, without getting your eyes off the screen.

"Harry Hook, son of Captain Hook."
He made a little bow but you didn't noticed it.

He sighed and walked around your room. Making noise hoping you would turn your attention to him.

A smirk came across his lips when he noticed something.
He plopped down on your bed, playing with stuff he found in it.

"Hey princess."

You sighed. "What!?"

His smirk grew bigger.
"I see there's only one bed. So we need to share."

You laughed, closing your laptop.
"Keep dreaming pirate!"

You pushed him off your bed, moving him towards the couch.
"You're sleeping there tonight."

He whined and grabbed you gently by your waist. "Please princess, your bed is big enough for both of us." He made a flirty smile. Moving his face close to yours.

Thomas Doherty/ Harry Hook X readerWhere stories live. Discover now