8.Getting to know you

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I had finished the soup, well at least had my fill, now I felt rather tired. I was acutely aware of Jack watching me intently, his baby blue eyes scanning for any sign of distress. I looked up at his giant frame and gave a small smile. "You finished?" Jack asked, gesturing to the bowl in front of me. I nodded lifting a hand to rub my eyes. Jack stifled an aww, took the bowl and left to the kitchen.

For a while I did nothing but sit and listen to Jack in the kitchen, watching as he returned and crouched in front of the fireplace. For a few minutes he rustled around before stepping back and allowing the warmth and light to spill into the room. He sat on the sofa once more then turned to me. "So what movie do ya want to watch?"

I just gave Jack a confused look not knowing what he meant. He paused for a moment before pointing something at  the colorful rectangle on the wall making it show a man in a red suit swinging from buildings. "You're going to love this one, it's one of my favorites!"

Little adventuresМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя