Fun and games

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I giggled at Jack's behavior, he was just as hyper in real life. No wonder he looked worried earlier, tumblr and Twitter were probably going mental at his absence. I felt slightly guilty at that thought but brushed it off as I turned
towards the giant iPad in front of me. Jack had leaned it against the armrest for me so I could see the whole screen. Hearing Jack's bubbly laughter from upstairs, I smiled and browsed through the games on Jack's iPad.

Seeing as I was so small I had to use my whole hand instead of a finger in order for the device to recognize my touch. After a while struggling to reach the apps at the top of the screen I opened Monument Valley. I took a few steps forward and used both hands to press the button to raise he volume up a bit, enjoying the calming sounds of the game. Returning to my previous position, I started the first level.

A few hours later Jack wandered downstairs and went to walk into the kitchen but paused. "I'm going to make some coffee, you want anything" he asked. I paused the game I was playing and turned to face him. After a few seconds of thinking I decided I was hungry. "Umm yeah, could I get something to eat?" I asked. Jack quickly went to the kitchen put the kettle on and began making food.

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