niam hate - part 2

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I broke my promise but in my offense I had other stories to update sorry. for my apology I am going to update this and add another one shot to this.


"No problem. I hate seeing my Nialler sad." He said. I blushed a little darker. He said my. as in his.

I smiled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey is that blood on your shoulder??"


My eyes widened. I looked at my shoulder and very much there was blood.

"OH, Ummm it's n-nothing." I said, walking a bit faster. Liam grabbed onto my arm, pulling me back.

"What's wrong? And that is indeed NOT nothing. Niall, you're bleeding! How did that happen?" He asked quickly. He looked genially caring. Haha, Yeah right.

"Nothing's wrong! Who knows how it got there. Im fine everything's fine just leave me alone! Stay out of my business I can take care of myself!" I yelled. He looked shocked.

In my outrage, Louis, Harry and Zayn stopped and looked at us. I looked at my feet and walked past them. I heard them whispering to eachother and felt tears prickling my eyes.

They're probably discussing how ugly I am, or how horrible a Singer I am. I bet they're thinking of ways to get me kicked out of the band without hurting my feelings.

I bit my bottom lip, staring at the floor.


"What did you say to him?!" Zayn whisper yelled at me.

"Nothing. Well I asked him what was wrong. I mean, he had blood on his shoulder! And he just freaked out on me!" I defended. We looked towards Niall, who was walking a few feet ahead of him while looking at the floor.

Indeed there was still blood on his shoulder.

"Damn. And he went crazy on you?" Louis asked. He was a loud Whisperer.

"Shh! I think I just sparked something in him. There's something wrong but he won't tell me." I said.

"Damn." Harry whispered. We looked at him.

"What?" Louis asked, holding his hand. I couldn't help but think about a certain blonde haired boy Id love to hold hands with.

"The tweets, remember he retweeted all these mean tweets about him. I didn't know he took them to heart." He mumbled.

"We need-" I got cut off by a huge scream.

"OH MY GOD THAT'S ONE DIRECTION!" A girl squealed. It wasn't loud enough time attract attention but it did get ours.

I internally groaned, and Niall turned around to look at us. Than I noticed his eyes were glassy. She ran right past Niall and to us, two other people following behind her. A guy and girl.

"Hi! I love you guys!" she said. Her guy friend stopped at Niall, and they were talking. I looked away from them and to the two girls, taking pictures with them.

"I kept glancing at Niall and that guy, feeling a little jealous I admit.

No. mine.


"Uh hi, Im Luke." He said. He had blonde hair and I noticed a lip ring. Wow THAT'S hot, but I still looked at him as a friend.

"Niall." I replied.

"I know. I've been a huge fan since forever. Me and my friends even made a band. You sorta inspired us." He said, smiling.

"Really? Thats cool. What's the name?" I asked.

"5 Seconds of Summer." I smiled.

"THAT'S a really cool name. Id like to hear you guys sometime." I said. He'd make a cool friend.

"Seriously?! That would be so cool. THAT'S been our dream, to have you guys listen to us."

"Well just give me your twitter and YouTube channel and I'LL check you out." I told him. He nodded and I took a pen out of my pocket. He grabbed it, mumbling a thanks and started writing it on my arm.

"Cool. Can I have a picture?" He asked. I nodded and took out my phone. I snapped a picture, my arm around his neck and put it on twitter.

@niallofficial: Met the coolest lad ! Heard he's in a band . check him out! @Luke5sos !

We exchanged a hug and him and his friends left.

Liam came up to me.

"I need to talk to you." He grabbed my arm, making me wince.

He sent me sad eyes and grabbed my hand instead, walking into the hotel.

I couldn't think straight, he was holding my hand. holy crap how does this happen?!

He took us to his room, the rest of the lads going to Harry and Louis'".

He sat us down on the couch, still holding my hand. It came unexpectingly when he quickly pulled my sleeve up. I gasped. He looked sadly at the long, red marks made by my nails.

"Why?" He asked, tracing lightly over the scratches. I looked away, my eyes sprinkling with tears.

"I just... Im not good enough." I muttered, a small sob coming out of my mouth. He pulled me into a hug.

"You're the most amazing person I know. You're talented, nice, cute-" he stopped, a small blush tinting his cheeks. I mirrored him.

"No Im not." I muttered.

"Everyone seems to think Im never good enough, or talented."

He looked me straight in the eyes, holding the most sincere eyes I've ever seen on him.

Then he kissed me.

Holy nandos. What DO I DO? How does this happen? His hands cupped my cheeks, pushing against my lips wanting a reaction.

I kissed back, gently having no experience whatsoever.

"You're so perfect. And mine"

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