Cheater (Larry)

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The first time Louis cheated was one year into their relationship.

Louis had to work. He worked at a small tire shop. He told Harry that he had to work twice as long that day, because it was extremely busy.

"Okay. Call me whenever you're free okay ?" Harry asked, snaking his arms around his boyfriends neck, And placing a deep kiss on his lips.

"Yeah, sure. I have to go now." Louis claimed, grabbing the keys off the table.

"Love you Lou."
"Love you too." Harry let out a small smile, and as Louis left thought about how much he already loved Louis with all his heart.

Its been 12 hours, Louis normally worked 6 hours a day, so Harry tried making himself feel better by reminding himself that Louis worked a double.

However it was already 11 pm and Louis hasn't so much as called him since he left this morning. Harry bit his short nails, bringing his knees to his chest and staring at the clock.

It was 1 am when Louis finally got back. Harry jumped off the couch as soon as he heard the door open.

"Woah, what are you doing up?" Louis seemed shocked, his hair ruffled up and eyes wide. Harry stared a while, taking in his appearance. His work outfit was wrinkled and his lips looked especially pink. Harry walked toward Louis, pulling him into a hug, and Louis sighed, thinking he got away with it.

But Harry wasn't stupid. He pushed Louis away, and growled out an, "you smell like purfume." Louis walked toward Harry, but Harry just stepped back.

"Harry I probably just walked by a customer wearing too much purfume." Harry shook his head.

"If you were at work you would at least smell somewhat like gas, or tires. You don't smell like those at all. And you look like you just had sex with someone, which I know for sure wasn't me." Harry's eyes began tearing, and Louis held his head down.

"Harry it's not-"
"Did you cheat on me Louis? Tell me the truth." He closed his eyes, hoping that Louis would say he didn't and that it really was just a customer.

"Sorry." Was all Louis said, and Harry broke down crying.

Harry had a chance.

They've been dating for two Years exactly tomorrow, and Harry forgave Louis for the incident that happened six months ago.

Harry was currently at an expensive jewelry shop.

"Do you have any anniversary bracelets?" Harry asked, looking at the pretty rings. 'Soon' he thought, softly smiling.

"Yeah they're at the counter right behind you." The worker said, smirking at Harry, which made him blush.

The worker, Harry read his name tag, and his name was Zayn, stood by Harry as he talked about each of the bracelets, softly brushing his arm against Harry's. But Harry didn't notice the look of lust Zayn gave him as he happily pointed at one of the bracelets. "That one please. Louis would love it."

Harry saw at the corner of his eye how close Zayn was to his face, so decided to keep his gaze on the bracelet instead of looking at him. Zayn opened the case, and Harry looked at how muscular his arm was.

If he wasn't in love with Louis, he'd probably be really blushy around this guy right now.

"Okay. Just follow me to the register, and I'll ring it up." Harry nodded and followed him, noticing these gold colored roses, labeled 'real roses. Covered lightly with gold to prevent it from dying.

The price said 600 pounds, and the bracelet was 300, but Harry got the rose anyway because it was beautiful. Just like Louis.

Harry looked at the receipt, noticing small handwriting on the back.

Hi cutie. Call me? ***-***-****

Harry blushed a deep red, before dropping the receipt out of the window, as he started the car and drove off.

He'd never do that to his baby.


Harry expected to see Louis when he got back home, but all the lights were off and the only thing he can hear is small thumping noises coming from down the hall.

Not knowing what it was, Harry held the bag filled with the bracelet and rose in one hand and grabbed a fork with his other. Forks can be deadly, right?

Instead of walking slowly toward the thumps, he quickly tip toed toward them. If there was a killer, the longer he took the faster they can hide and attack him.

He noticed them coming from his and Louis' room, so took a deep breath before slamming the door open.

He let out a choked gasp as he took in the view. Louis was on all fours on the bed, and a guy was pounding into him really fast, creating the thumps.

"Liam yes." Louis moaned, not noticing Harry and Harry let out a cry before dropping the bag and running out of the room before locking himself in the bathroom.

The thumps continued for fifteen more minutes, and Harry layed crying that entire time, knowing that Louis didn't even bother to stop.

Soon after that, there were two sets of footsteps and small whispering, before the front door opened and closed and a small knock came from the bathroom door. He heard the plastic of the bag being crunched, so knew that Louis was holding it.

"Harry? Please open the door " Harry sunk farther into the floor, trying to disappear.

"You cheated on me in our bed." Harry cried out. Saying it out loud hurt him more than it should.

"On our anniversary." He heard cussing on the other side of the door, and Harry realized that Louis forgot.

Footsteps walked away before they returned, and the door knob started jiggling, before opening. Louis walked in, holding the bag and a card in one hand.

Harry refused to meet his gaze.

"Why?" Harry let out, tears streaming down his face.

"You refused to have sex with me. I have desires too you know. I probably wouldn't have to do this to you if you weren't so insucure all the damn time."

Harry finally looked up at Louis. He didn't even look guilty. He looked at Harry like it was his fault, and in that second he believed it was.

"Sorry. Ill try harder next time." And Louis nodded, before placing a kiss to Harry's fourhead.

"Good. And thanks for the stuff love."

Should I make a part two ? I didn't know if anyone liked this so I stopped it here.

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