"Hey sis we've missed you " she says in the hug.

"I know I've missed you all too"

"We have to talk you hear" she says in a serious tone. I roll my eyes and say okay. I love her dearly she's like my other mother. I walk to my actual mother and hug her tightly.

"Awwww hunny i've missed you so much" my mom says he voice breaking. Oh no she's going to cry.

"I know mom I've missed you too" I say to her, I break the hug and kiss her on the cheek. I turn to my nieces and smiled.

"Alright guys let's go home because I'm dying of heat in this hoodie" I say fanning myself. Everyone laughs I look and see Ashley walking towards us.

"Oh guys this is Ashley my bestie slash sister" I say walking up to Ashley and putting my hand over her shoulder. She smiles and says hi and waves shyly. My oldest niece Amelia, walks up to Ashley.

"Hi I'm Amelia, I'm fourteen and I like to dance" amelia says putting her hand out to shake. Yes that's my girl she learned from her aunty. Ashley shakes it with a chuckle.

My second niece sofia, walks up hugs amelia from the side and moves behind her. Still the little shy one I see.

"This is sofia my sister she's nine, and very shy and that mischievous girl over there" she says and points to my youngest niece kayla. "She's kayla, she's six" amelia finishes saying.

"Hello"  kayla says walking up to ashley. "Do you have any cookies?" Kayla asks suddenly.

"Alright kayla stop being greedy" my sister tells her. She walks up to Ashley and puts out her hand. "Hi Ashley please excuse my daughter she loves her food, I'm Victoria, alyssa's oldest sister" Victoria says and Ashley shakes her hand.

"Mama your favourite child is back!" Seth shouts as he exits the door, did he seriously need to shout. Ashley rolls her eyes and I follow suit.

"Seth shut the hell up" my sister tells him. I see my brother frown for a second but then walks to my mom and hugs her. Seth is such a mamas boy it's not even funny, he's also a suck up when it comes to mom.

"Hey seth where's jack?" I ask looking seeing he's not here.

"Oh something was wrong with Sarah's bags so he had to go deal with it" he says not breaking his hug from our mom.

"Seth leave ma alone she needs to greet Ashley" I say walking to him, when I reach him I slap him on his hand. He let's go of mom and mom is laughing at our behaviour.

She walks up to Ashley and greets her.

"Hi Ashley I'm Veronica alyssa's mother, welcome to Barbados and anything that's mine is yours, like alyssa says your her sister so that makes you family" she says with a smile, she hugs Ashley and Ashley hugs her back, she turns to seth and says.

"Seth get over here and help the girl with her bags" she walks over to me and hugs me one more time before walking off. Seth walks up to Ashley but Ashley says she doesn't need help so he just walks off with mom with his hand around her shoulders. I roll my eyes.

"Alyssa I'm taking the girls back to the car, Ashley you could follow me, and alyssa you wait for jack and his fiancé" Victoria says grabbing kayla and sofia's hand. I nod and told Victoria that amelia is staying with me. She says okay and walks off with my two nieces and Ashley to the car.

Amelia walks up to me and hugs me.

"How you been babygirl?" I ask my niece while looking at the door then back to her.

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