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It's here...

The dreaded day.

The day of physical torture.

Hell personified. It's your Gym lesson.

And what's the game today? Football. Great.

You're the most unathletic person... Not an understatement.

You complete your first lap at the same time the others complete their third.

And your best friend is the exact opposite; very, very competitive.

She's made captain of the football team, she now has to decide on members for her team...

She glances towards your direction and doesn't pick you?!

Your heart breaks.

Your world shatters...


Split. Crack. Riiiiiip:

You can almost feel your cardiac muscles tearing apart from each other. The world becomes blurry. And begins to taste a little salty. Hence the waterworks. Whatever you do, do not let them see you cry. Run, or at least try, as far away as you can. Isolate yourself. CIP (Cry in Peace).

Football Warrior:

It's just a game. Remember, it's just a game. This isn't friendship defining. Just go along with it. Avoid the ball at all costs. Follow the crowd. Look like you're trying. And just don't get hit, especially in the face!

Kick Me Signs:

Okay. This isn't cool. You can't accept this. Take this football game and own it. Play like you've never played before. Prove to your friend that you're good enough. And that even though you're not the best runner, or anything. You sure do know how to kick. So kick her in her metaphorical balls!


Something needs to change, or not. Really depends on your health or if you wanna do the unspeakable, exercise. While you're going to do exactly that. Get a gym membership. Prove you're good enough. And when you're the one finishing ahead of everyone else, you will thank yourself. It'll be worth all the blood, sweat and tears. And you'll never be picked last again.


Games are games. So timeouts better be included!

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