XXXVI - f i n i s

374 16 7

4... fucking... days.

4 days that I've been stuck out here in the desert with no food... no water. The vultures follow me wherever I go.

They know.

They know I'm going to die soon if I.. i-if I....


Fucking christ, I'm going insane. There's been nothing, absolutely nothing.

Evan suggested to wait outside the classroom and ask the 7th period people who sat in the desk after I did those days ago. But because no one sits in the same place every class, no one can remember. Why the hell would they anyways? They have better things to do, they don't understand my dilemma.

Oh but they will once whoever has it reveals all my secrets to the entire school. And then those people will feel bad because I'll be dead. I'll die because they didn't fucking tell me.

I groan and slap my hands over my face. I'm currently laying with my head hanging off the foot of my bed in the pitch blackness. At 1:30 am. I thought the darkness would help me think but nope. All I've done is just freaked myself out because my brain is making me see figures in the darkness because that's a thing it does. Apparently.

Now I'm just waiting for the demons to come snatch me and drag me into the portal to hell that's hidden underneath my bed.

"Come take me demons! End my misery!" I speak into the darkness.



"Why won't you let my suffering end?" I ask the darkness in a mock emotional about-to-cry voice. I even fucking sniffled for extra effect!

tap tap tap

I screech like a little girl and scramble off my bed.

"Uhh," I say with a slight laugh. "I was just kidding demons, I don't really want you to take me." My voice cracks from fear. How manly.

tap tap tap

It's louder this time. It sounds like it's coming my window. Oh fuck. The demons are outside my window!

FUCK THIS. I need to turn-

"Andrew, I know you're in there." I hear the demon speak. It sounds... female. I gulp and slowly make my way to the window. Or at least, as best I can in the pitch blackness.

"Ow! Motherfucker." I whisper-yell. I just had to stub my fucking toe. "Pinky, nooo." I sniffle.

"Andrew, I'll find another way in if you don't open this window." The female demon tells me. Fucking bossy. Gimme a second, Pinky has suffered damage, he needs time to recoperate. I tell the demon in my mind. If I spoke that out loud, she'd think I was crazy... Maybe I am crazy.

"Andrew, c'mon." the female demon knocks on my window again. She sounds angry.

"I'm coming, geez," I tell her. "Don't get your demon panties in a twist." I grumble lowly.

As soon as I approach my window I hesitate. Right now, there's only a curtain and 2 panes of glass separating me and the demon. I grab ahold of the curtain and take a deep breath.

"This is it, do or die time," I whisper. I release my breath sharply and fling the curtains open, I immediately get into a defensive stance with my arms over my face and my knee up to protect my nethers.

"Andrew, open the window," I barely hear the female demon speak. I slowly pry my eyes open and am greeted with not a naked, winged female shaped demon, like those vampire ladies from that Van Heilsing movie with Hugh Jackman and.. Kate Beckinsale— eyebrow wiggle —but an actual person... Maybe, I've sat in the dark for too long.. That explains it.

I can barely make out who it is but I unlock and open the window anyways. The possible demon in desguise quickly climbs in the window causing me to stumble back.

"Why didn't you turn any lights on?" she asks me.

"Uh," I move a step to the right and turn on the floor lamp that's against the wall. My breath catches in my throat and my heart skips a beat before it starts to hammer wildly in my chest as soon as I catch sight of the demon lady. Or should I say Crystal.

Crystal. Crystal.... fuck, Crystal is in my room! Why is she here?

"Crystal?" I say stupidly. "Why-uh-wha..." she holds out her hand before I make any more attempts at speaking.

My book. SHE'S HOLDING MY BOOK! I feel the blood drain from my body. Again. I don't make any attempts to grab it because my brain has stopped working.

"Don't you remember?" she asks. I snap my eyes up to hers. Her beautiful sky blue eyes that I've always envied and missed so much.

"Remember? Remember what?" I ask her, somehow forming words.

"The first day of school. Freshman year. I ran right into you Andrew," her voice starts waver a little. Is she going to cry? "I ran right into you and you barely glanced at me. You said sorry and you just walked away from me Andrew. Don't you remember?" Yep, definitely going to cry.

"I thought you had changed over the summer, those 3 months you were gone. I thought you didn't want to be friends anymore. I thought you didn't like me anymore." She wipes her eyes, my book still in her hand. I can't believe she thought these things. I do remember that day now that she mentions it, I remember running into someone. I hadn't even recognized her until Evan pointed her out later. I must not of when we ran into each other and then I forgot that it even happened. Obviously.


"My mom left." she tells me. Her mom? Wha- "She left me and dad while you were away. In the middle of the night. She packed all of her things and only left a note on the kitchen counter. My dad doesn't speak to me, I don't even get to see him at all anymore." She doesn't bother wiping her tears now which are streaming down her face. I feel my own eyes well up.

"I have missed you Andrew, I missed everything. I needed you. I've fucking needed you and I still-" I surge forward and throw my arms around her. I hear the book drop to the floor before she wraps her arms tightly around my waist and sobs into my chest.

Deja vu.

"I've missed you."



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I really REALLY hope you guys enjoyed reading through Andrew and Crystal's story!! And thank you so much to all those who read and voted and commented a lot, I LOVE YOU EXTRA!

I'm dedicating this final part to books_nutellalove because she's fucking awesome and has been there since basically the beginning and votes and comments all the time. ❤❤❤

The song up there is called Closure by Enzalla, you should definitely listen to it. It really perfectly fits its name honestly, it has a bittersweet sound to it and I feel like that's what closure means; It's accepting something that's happened that you don't like that happened and moving on. It's a bittersweet feeling. ❤

Also, I'm gonna have an Authors Note after this chapter to clear up anything questions and all that. =)

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