Chapter 2

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Franz was drifting in a wave of darkness, the cold, empty wind of the void soothing him. His head hurt, but he didn't know why. His left hand felt like it was frozen, pierced with frozen weapons of ice. His right hand felt like it was burning with passion, as if it was going to melt. But as he opened his eyes, all he could see was darkness. He needed to concentrate on waking up. He needed to focus his mind on the state of being awake.

Wake up...

Wake up...

Wake up...


His own consciousness slammed into his body, feeling the cold air subvert from his left hand, to his entire body, making him shudder with dread. He could feel he was strapped to a large metal device. Most likely a chair from the way he was positioned. His face was pressed against a rough, dense cloth, which made him realised his head has been covered with a bag. He was breathing heavily, but he could hear other breaths being taken in and out. For a second, he thought he was going insane, but as his own breath quieted down, he could still hear the breathing.

'Franz.' A voice proclaimed. It sounded very masculine, with hints of Southern influences in it. 'Welcome to the den.'

Franz chuckled, his head turning upwards, imagining the person in front of him. 'Sounds a bit too welcoming for a crime sydicate's base, doesn't it?'

An instant surge of pain welled from the stomach of Franz, as a fist slammed into his ribcage, as a few bones snapped echoing in the empty room. The fist was then slowly pulled way from Franz's body, as he began to vomit blood, spewing it on the floor.

'Liam!' Another voice shouted, followed by a solid slap echoed in the room, making Franz shiver. The voice was feminine, and had a tiny bit of annoyance in it. 'We're here to interrogate him, not kill him!'

The masculine voice scoffed at the feminine one. 'Well shit won't get done unless we show this guy we mean business. I've had enough of Brooke's calm and slow process.'

'Just get the hell out.' The feminine voice shouted, which recieved no response. She then heightened the volume of her voice. 'GET OUT!!!'

The masculine voice just scoffed at her again, before walking away from Franz, opening a door, and slamming it hard, making the room shake, blood dripping down his lips, onto his neck, and down his clothes, until it hit the solid, concrete floor. The feminine voice sighed, before whoever's voice it was placed their hand on the bag which was covering the view of Franz, and threw it to the side.

Franz opened his eyes, and saw the room for the first time. It's walls were grey from the aging of time, with old pieces of paper which seem to be maps. There were several wooden cabinets, which Franz could identify as mahogany due to it's hue and colour. But that wasn't the defining feature of the room. In front of him, was a girl.

This girl had the defining features of green eyes. Her eyes, though, seemed modified. It had more of an emerald hue than green mixed with brown. She had long, dark blonde hair, and a grin on her face. She leaned in to look at the blood on Franz's lips.

'Brooke won't be happy if she sees you like this.' She said, grabbing a handkerchief in her front pocket, and beginning to wipe the blood off the lips and neck of Franz. As soon as the handkerchief touched Franz's lips, he shuddered away. Even with this, the girl persisted. 'Just hold still.'

Lauren wiped all the blood off from Franz's face, having to hold the metal chair because of Franz's shaking and shuddering. Once all the blood was wiped off from Franz's face, she threw the cloth piece away on a table, and began to walk away. 

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