Chapter 1

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Brooke jumped from her seat, hitting her knee against the hard table. She groaned with pain, blood rushing to her cheeks immediately, causing some blushing. She could already hear the laughs against her, as she waited for the sound of classmates mocking her to hit her. But, she heard nothing. It was utter silence. She looked around the room, realising most of the students left, aside from one other student. She shook off the pain, before looking at the clock. 

Lunch started 10 minutes ago, and no one bothered to wake her up. She sighed, feeling the same emotion she felt everyday. Sadness. The school she went to was meant only for the rich, and the prestigious. She was in the school only because of her grades, and yet that isn't sufficient enough to get the respect of classmates.

She walked to the student who was still in the class. He was still reading his book. For some apparent reason, he didn't budge either. He was just content, reading his own book.

'Hey, class is finished.' Brooke said to him, trying to sound firm. She expected a response on how the poor shouldn't talk to the rich, but was actually surprised.

'Oh, sorry. I'm a bit too endulged in my book.' He said back, making her move back in surprise. 'Sorry, did I frighten you?'

'No...No one's ever talked to me so calmly.' Brooke said, smiling at him. 'You must be insane.'

'Nope. I'm just normal.' He said, standing, packing his things up. 'I've just moved in, so I don't know the traditions of this school, or whatever vulgar practices they do.'

'Well, thank goodness. It's nice having a person of decent chivalry here.' Brooke said back, trying to sound like the prestigious.

'It was nice meeting you. I have to head outside now. I have a meeting with the principal.' He said, putting his hand out for Brooke to shake it. 'The name is Lucifer.'

Brooke hesitated for a moment, but then shook it, smiling at him. 'Brooke.' She said back, as both of them let go of the hand shake. 'I didn't know the devil could be so nice.'

'That's what they all say.' Lucifer said, before walking out, carrying his bag. It took Brooke at least 5 seconds to realise she was still staring at the seat of Lucifer. She shook his presence off her, returning to her normal state. Her phone then rang, vibrating from her pocket. She took it out of her pocket, answering it, and speaking into it's microphone.

'Hello?' Brooke answered into the phone.

'Hey, Brooke.' A female voice spoke into the phone. Lauren.

'I told you not to call me during school times. They could be tracking our calls!' Brooke said into the phone. 'I don't want the rebellion to fail just because we talked on the phone.'

'Don't worry. I can take the risk of it. I just need to ask you about the mission tonight.' Lauren said, sounding a bit worried. 'Commander DeadEye said something about capturing somebody. He didn't mention who the person was, or his significance to our cause. Does the old man even know what he's doing?'

Brooke sighed. She always got this from Lauren ever since she attained control of the land and air forces. 'Lauren, you know I can't violate or stop commands from the Supreme Commander. I owe my life to him for saving me during the massacre. It's best you just talk more to him, to get more info. I know he's a bit persistent with letting anyone know any information about the missions, but he knows what to do. Anyway, who's the target?'

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