October 13, 2017

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Hi! I haven't updated for a few weeks xD. And yes, I know that Jimin's birthday was yesterday, I'm sorry for the late notice. But yesterday was just one of the perfect days I'd want to cherish in my whole life. Haha some of you reading this book would know, I guess? As much as I would like to ramble and tell you my whole day yesterday, I'd think it's best to leave it at that.

"Yesterday was a good day." I know I'll receive some kind of karma very soon too. I mean, you can't be happy without experiencing pain, right? Pain makes you feel terrible and all the emotions that might let you down. But without pain, would you have been able to differentiate it with happiness? Would we be able to have that sense of joy where you'd be ascending to heaven feeling? Well in my perspective, I guess not. So whatever happens in this day and forwards, I'd just think that it'll all be worth it for the happiness I'll get to feel after it.

Of course, it may take some time for that day to come, but then again, "it's all worth it." I guess I've made the mistake of forcing myself to be emotional at times because of something that I overreact or exaggerate on, but no matter how many times I tell myself that I shouldn't do it, what could I do? I overthink about that moment, I start to feel conscious and inferior to it, and basically make it worse than it already is.

However, aren't there also those times where in you just experience that type of happiness and you want to prolong it? Say for example, a joke someone made and you'd just replay it over and over your mind for the sake of laughter and enjoyment? That feeling of genuine happiness that you'd want to keep forever. Or take the scenario where in you'd have that comfortable day with your favorite outfit for a lazy Sunday, and you'd just chill there, not having the thought that it'll be Monday in less than twenty - four hours.

This- well that day, lasted for merely nineteen hours due to sleep and even then you'd have a dream and have that sense of longing after it. That dream that you'd successfully grasped in the tip of your mind hanging on the edge of your memory's limit. That dream that you'd soulfully tried to remember and did at the end. We've had lots of dreams in the past, but only some can be remembered and cherished.

Today's the day after yesterday. "Ang nakaraan ay binabalik tanaw ngunit di binabalikan," that quote made me think for a moment. It's true that you could never go back to the past or even make it happen again. If you'd again think about it, you could make it happen, however would it feel more realistic and genuine? So the least we could do is replay that memory over and over. Just like I myself have been doing, "Friday. 6th of October 2017. 12:33 p.m. Lunch." Just replaying that thought makes my day all better.

So here I'm suggesting to you, if ever you feel down at the moment, if ever you're confused and stressed, or if you're just purely bored, recall you memories. However, don't let those memories of joy give you sadness and that longing where in you'd wish that it happened everyday and you'd compare it to your state in the present. Just take time to reflect and let that smile spread on your face like no one's looking. Savor the moment and thank the day for giving you some leisure time for rest, freedom and recreation. ^-^~


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