"I can assure you that me and Zack will never happen again Mara, he had made his choice and I have made mine" I muttered, my finger tips suddenly more interesting then anything else, I fiddle with them as I amuse myself.

"How did you meet Him really? The first time you saw him?" she asked. I didn't expect her to ask me this, this wasn't her concern anyway. Thinking about the moment we laid eyes on each other, we didn't know we were mates. Smiling at the thought I looked up at Mara who just stares at me waiting for my answer.

"If you really want to know I shell tell you then.... It was while I was 19 still, before I was captured. I was just walking past the pack and stopped when I saw how beautiful the pack lands were, just when I was about to leave. When I turned.... He stood there and just.. Staring for awhile. And from there he asked me what was my meaning there and blah blah blah..... He let me go and a few hours later I was captured..... " I inhaled as my breath was gone from the talking.

" Wow.. That is some way to meet isn't it? " she joked but I didn't laugh, Zack and I will never be. That moment we first met I Wil always hold on to. It reminds me of what I had. What we had, and now it's dust Into the cloudy night, never to be seen again.

" Sorry bad joke?" she asked as her smile falls away, shaking my head she seems to relax again but me on the other hand. I'm shattered.

"Faith I'm sorry for everything. I never intended this to happen between me and Zack.. He wa--- is loyal to you still, she still hopes for the happy ending" she whispered sadly, I can't bare to hear another word of Zack otherwise it won't end well. My emotions are already scrambled like hell knows what.

"Please I'm begging you. I don't want to talk about it anymore... Change the subject" begged. Her understanding expression could say that she respected my wishes as she just stares into space for awhile... Till her voice rang through again. What is it with this women.

"what color is your wol-" she was cut short by the door swinging open as a very pissed off Alpha marches in and falls into his chair, Mara gives me a glance as I give her a nod to tell her it's alright.

"That was unacceptable! What was the meaning of it!?" he boomed, OK his clearly pissed. His anger rolling of him like waves of a summery beach day, Mara bows her head in fright. Narrowing my eyes, a alpha is meant to bring peace to others, not fear, not hurt and specially not this!

"It's not necessary to yell at her" I raised my voice but not to loud but he'll get the message soon enough.

"excuse me?... I didn't hear you correctly?" he taunts, his testing my patience and I am running short on it very soon, I always have respected Alphas but this one has changed into someone I don't know, John was never like this, now his heartless.

"Don't make me say it again" I hissed out, yep that got his attention. Giving me a hatred glare he grips Mara by her hair, pulling her up, she tries to get herself free but she is no match for an Alpha.

"let her go John!" my voice became venom as it seeps through. My anger at the limit, he chuckles darkly, a man I never knew existed.

"Oh Faith. You will be punished! It's against the Law to call a Alpha by his name" he blurted out, amused by my actions I make a rash decision.

Running to him in full speed I launch myself at him, I can't use my powers I pack lands without the Alphas permission, it will get me killed, but this Alpha will no longer threaten a pack member of his own and get away with it, I'd rather rot In hell.

Grabbing him by the throat as I push him against the wall, pulling Mara away from him she quickly scattered out the door.

Throwing punches in my face, I took them as they came, landing my knee right up his balls, he hinges over groaning and whining.

"How fare you!" he yelled. He soon recovered as he advanced at me without a second I couldn't react. Being tackles to the ground and I make a loud thud, the pain spread all over my chest and that's when I knew he has broken a few ribs of mine.

Shaking off the pain I kicked him off me. Landing against the table, he gives me a warning growl, smirking, it seems to make him angrier.

Right before he shifted Into his wolf, the door broke of its hunches as a ground of wolves storm in cornering John and injecti him with a liquid I am unknown of.

Pain soon enough spread again, now that my body is relaxing the pain is returning.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?" I groaned out as I got to my feet.

Getting a look from my brother he seems.... Sad.. Disappointed maybe. Walking to him, he knew I needed to know because I was a victim to this and Mara. Sighing I'm defeat he tells me.

"A month ago a women came into his life, and we believe she got him under a spell or something"

Blah.... Blah blah....

Let me know what you think of this chapter



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