"Why you still thinking bout Jacob?" Jordan put her hands on her waist.

"I don't know..." I bury my face in my hands.

"Don't worry. It'll stop. So--" Gabrielle got interrupted by the boys voices.

It was Chresanto, Tyler, Craig, Rayan and the usual crew. They were shouting their football team name.

"Hey!" Jordan shouted.

They still didn't hear just continued to cheer away.

"Shut up!!!" Jordan shouted again and the whole hallway was quiet. "Thankyou" she smiled.

"Remind me never to make you mad.." Chres grabbed Jordan's waist.

"As I was saying....You're gonna forget about 'it'" Gabrielle finished.

"Forget about what?" Tyler head's popped up from behind me.

"About........Gabrielle's toe hair" I lied.

"Toe hair?" Tyler and Gabrielle asked in unison.

"I mean...Yeah, my toe hair" she said nervously.

"Okay...Well we're still on for tonight, Jamie" Tyler kissed me on my cheek.


After school I waited in the parking lot for Jerry... If he wants to impress me he could at last try come early. I've been waiting for almost an hour. I soon spotted the familiar white lexus in front of me.

"Sorry, I'm late." he apologized opening the passenger side for me.

"Hakuna Matata" I shrugged and sat in the passenger seat.

#Hakuna Matata means No Worries'

"I see someone has been watching the Lion King" he laughed.

A few minutes later we arrived to a familiar school. 'Hashenton High'! The school that Jacob transferred too. My body froze.

"I'm the principle here at Hashenton." he explained turning off the engine.

"You mind if we do this some other time" I said nervously.

"Oh..I'll be busy other times and your mother wants us here today" he states.

I swallow hard as he opens my door and my feet actually stand up. Maybe Jacob went home already. Yeah...It is after school after all. I follow Jerry into the hallways and I only spot three or four students. None Jacob. Jerry tours me around and then we get to the football field. Thats when a familiar quarterback with the number 14 on his uniform hits my eyes. Its Jacob. I try to hide behind Jerry.

"And this is our football field..Jamie, what are you doing?"

"Uh...Nothing, Jerry. Can we just go?" I ask fixing my standing position behind Jerry.

"Wait, I--" Before Jerry could finish a women came over.

"Mr. Springfield. You have a Mr. Roderick Latmen on the line" she said.

"Okay...Umm..Jacob!" he called him.

Just my luck..I was about to run, but it was too late. Jacob ran over.

"This is my....Jamie. I was wondering if you could show her around." Jerry moved destroying my hiding place.

"Jamie" Jacob said in disbelief.

"Hi." I greet nonchalantly.

"Thanks so much, Jacob. Don't worry Jamie. Jacob is my best player and the most trusted. After he's done showing you around I can drop you home" were Jerry's last words before he left with the secretary.

"So.....I guess I have to show you around huh?" Jacob shrugged his shoulders.

"Just make it quick" I start walking off.

So we continue to tour the school. Now we're  in the school gym where they have it prepared for some kind of valentine's dance.

"This is where the valentine's dance will be next week Tuesday" he explained.

"Oh..Well thats it, right?"

"Uh..Yeah. So how's school?" he asked.

"Its good. Chres and Jordan might have something going on there" I laughed.

"He told me" he laughed too.

"You two still talk?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I wish we could still talk" he stopped.

"Right, but things have changed" I turn away from him.

"Jamie. I don't know. I thought you didn't like me anymore, but how you refuse to look at me I can tell you still like me and I still like you. I don't know why I turned you down. I love you, Jamie" Jacob turned me to him.

His eyes and mine staring in each other's. I try to look away but can't. Then within two seconds his lips are on mine and I'm kissing back?? I am. I think about Tyler and pull away.

"Stop. I- I have to go" I yank my arm from his grip and run off to Jerry's office. I don't knock and just barge in where I see the secretary and Jerry making out.

"Oh. My--" I watch as the two pull away.

"Jamie! Umm..What are you doing here?"

"You bastard! I don't know what my my mom ever saw in you!" I slam the office door and go outside.

I'm gonna walk today.


Okay so that was a god chapter right? I don't know, you tell me by commenting!!.Yay and voting so yeah...thanks!!

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