Chapter 20: Part 2

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I was terrified when I felt no pain or not even a slight pinch once it happened. Not even a single bloodstain appeared on my hoodie, except for a tear in the fabric. For once, I wanted to have normal penetrable skin that could be impaled by a knife, and feel pain like a conventional human being, but that was not the case; however, little did I know, the knife was actually in the case. In case that was not understood, Chump's knife had hit the universal magazine in my pocket, which was known as a case for bullets. I was extremely lucky for this to have happened, otherwise my cover would have been compromised.

There was a metallic crushing sound, which I, still being unaware of my magazine's saving me, assumed was either my iron belly or my ribcage. It was until Jones had kicked my abdomen, to separate me and the knife, that not only was one of the jacket's pockets completely ruined, but also my universal magazine was remarkably at the end of his knife. Never had I ever been so relieved to see a piece of advanced technology be destroyed. Since my skin and the tip of his serrated knife never met, I did not have to account for the hardness of my skin, and so the cover-up for my powers was maintained.

"Lucky bastard," Chump exchanged his first piece of dialogue.

"Jones, you can end the fight now, just apologize to everyone you've hurt. I've got to do something tonight, other than beating an uneducated teen's ass," I hinted at my planned endeavor to find Drask.

"Apologize, and end the fight?" he chortled hysterically as if he had been consuming alcohol, "But where's the fun in that?" Jones had taken the words right out of my mouth and slowly paced towards me with his fists in front of him like a professional boxer.

I already knew he was fast, so attempting to fight him in hand-to-hand combat was just going to turn me into his personal punching bag. This would have led to the audience questioning about how a skinny teenager like me could hold their own for almost eternity without showing any noticeable bruises or scars. My improvisation skills helped brew a strategy where I could use the spoon, which did not involve gouging Jones' eyes out of their sockets or anything gory.

With the utensil in my hand, I threw the spoon a few meters in front of me as inconspicuously as I could, which was then between him and I, and waited for him to arrive. Though he saw me toss the implement, he dismissed the idea that the spoon was part of a bigger scheme and after a couple of seconds, I started pacing in an MMA-fighter position similar to Chump's.

However, I was the tiniest bit closer to the spoon than Chump was, and so I took smaller paces than him, so that he would reach the spoon first. Eventually, his foot was over the round utensil, and as his heel stomped on it, I used my powers to slide the spoon backwards, similar to how I controlled the skateboards. I had nearly killed two people because of this dangerous maneuver on accident before, but with Jones, I would not have minded his death, and even rather preferred it, as did most of my other fellow recruits.

The Silverist (old version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt