Chapter 11: Part 1

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I instantly let go of the chain, hoping that the Silverist had either blurry eyesight or short-term memory loss. After they walked towards the door to place the stylus back in its original position, they wandered away which allowed me to continue breathing. I had learnt my lesson about rushing through things, for I almost blew my cover in the most silent of situations.

Once I sighed and recovered, I performed the same process with the ball chain and pen once again and entered the number string in the correct bearing. After what felt like a decade of concentration, I finally finished entering the string of digits without any distressing beep sounds occurring. Then came the hard part, which was the character. Though I could remember the symbol of an underlined crucifix with absolute ease, I was unable to tell the exact location of where to put this symbol as well as how precisely I would draw this character, for I was drawing blindly in this situation.

Approximating where to draw the character, I used the frame of the pad to help me, and drew to the best of my ability. As I tried once, then twice, both attempts failed which plagued my mind to expect a third failure. To make matters worse, the twentieth group of Silverists passed by; however, these ones did not have any tattoos, so technically they were not even Silverists yet. Nevertheless, I still had to hide my powers from them, and I was lucky enough to spot the zippers of their recruit jackets.

Eventually, after three tries and more batches of Silverists walking here and there, the door finally opened with a reassuring whirr sound. Before I was too excited, my ears rose when I heard another whirr sound emitting from the ceiling. In a split second, I realized that it came from the Gatling gun, which was an object whose encounter was one I had not wanted to relive again, and so I uttered the code clearly, yet still taking my time, "After you." As I turned around, I found the barrels of the weapon pointing at my head. My prayers were answered when they slowly stopped rotating. Eric must have fixed the gun after I intentionally broke it, as it looked like the same gun I saw last time.

I was over the moon with my efforts and the success they brought me, for I escaped the room using ingenuity and without sheer force, which proved that my powers were not just used for acts of destruction. As I exited Eric's enclosed kennel, I was euphoric with victory, and my dopamine levels spiked, but not after I saw Eric walk down the path straight towards me.

Luckily, he was yet to see me, for he was surrounded in a crowd of people who acted like paparazzi. In actuality, that was the opposite, as they were telling Eric everything while he documented it. That was why Eric's eyes had not seen anything except for the sheets and notes in his arms.

I quickly closed the door and ran before Eric could elevate his view, since there was no point of walking and acting casually when I had a different jacket to everyone else as well as his own backpack on my shoulders. Plus, the path allowed me to deviate right around the corner and out of Eric's view. After a mad dash for survival, I propped myself behind a corner as I caught my breath. I was close enough to overhear something to do with the word 'mart', which I assumed was just another store or diner the gang was raiding on that day. After that, I heard the door buzz, but then something happened which made me consider that Eric had clairvoyance. "Tyzon," he said in a playful manner.

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