Chapter 17: Part 1

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As I held the gun in my two hands, blood started oozing from the gun's muzzle. Before I could let go of the gun, Carly broke me free from my powerful hallucinogenic trance, to which I found all five bullets dispersed upon the target, ranging from the head to a limb. Once I let go of the gun, a great swell of relief calmed my conscience, giving me the assuring realization that the surreal simulation was not real. "I guess bending your knees really do help," she commented as we both stared at the several dents on the target.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please revert your attention to me," a Silverist, which I had never met nor seen before, materialized out of the blue as he made his polite instruction.

He was averagely buff and averagely tall, but was still a guy I would not have liked to cross paths with in a fist fight without my powers. From an estimating standpoint, this gang member was ever so slightly taller than Eric. He also had black bushy hair, piercings on almost every spot I looked at on his face, and, of course, the mandatory Silver Gang tattoo on his right arm. He was apparently our replacement for Eric while he was in a supposed meeting, but though he fit the part physically, he still needed to talk the talk, and being polite was not the greatest of introductions if you wanted to replicate Eric's confronting presence.

While he was hassling some of the other recruits to listen, I asked Carly, "Who is this?"

"I have no idea, but Eric informed us to expect a temporary substitute, so this must be him, if I'm not mistaken," Carly explained.

"Tyzon, is it? Eric has mentioned your absence in the first four hours of training. May you please shed light on this situation?" the stranger requested as he walked closer and closer towards me until he breached my personal space.

"I've already told Eric everything he needs to know, and the rest is none of your business," I refused to disclose the classified information while his stature towered over mine.

"Tyzon, no one else is here except your unit and me, everything you say will be kept hidden in this room, and will stay in this room," he tried persuading me to reveal the truth for some odd reason.

"Didn't you hear him? He said it was none of your business," Carly defended me.

"Fine," his smug grin was wiped after the protection of Carly, which I was grateful for, but his expression then changed to a sinister one that he especially aimed at me. He finally came around to introduce himself, "My name is Sav, short for Salvador. I am serving currently as the deputy of this gang, meaning I am the one with the most power after Eric, so if you misbehave or partake in any form of misconduct, whether that'd be shooting a real-life human target or forgetting to follow basic firearm regulations, consequences will follow. I will be your commanding officer and will be replacing Eric for the time being," his menacing yet robotic tone created a fearful atmosphere, similar to the one that emitted from Eric. Everyone instantaneously believed that he was just under the wing of Eric's for he definitely bore the physique and the voice to acquire such a rank.

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