Chapter 7: Part 1

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After dropping the metal platter to the ground, I thudded to the ground myself but, luckily, I was able to land with my hands on the ground before I planted face-first. I reached to feel my jaw and did not experience any pain. Just like Crank's strike, the impact hurt the attacker more than it did me as he was holding his hand in pain and was moaning and whining like baby without its pacifier. I punched him back in the face and managed to knock him out with one blow. He went flying into someone's dinner, which was an orange murky soup that looked like it had expired a few years ago.

The guy who had the soup stood up and headed towards me. He was a big fella and looked like he could drop more pounds than an elephant. Everyone started forming a ring around the two of us and chanted the word 'fight'. From the audience's point of view, I looked like I had no chance with this guy but what they did not know was that I could take the punches, so whatever this guy had to offer I was ready for it.

I was waiting for the attack and even gestured for him to come at me until he pulled out a knife, which was when I thought of writing my will. Knives and punches were two very different things. I did not want to be impaled only to meet my demise in this dreadful place, which was in the middle of a desert. I could no longer take hits anymore, for I had to be smart and avoid punches, or in this case the knife. Initially, I was reduced to playing the apology card, meaning I pled for my soul in this ring, but I was encompassed by an unbreakable crowd, so there was no going back.

Mr. Heavier-than-an-elephant did not look the least bit happy nor sentimental, as the soup might have been a factor to blame but, without a doubt, I was the main trigger that set him off on his rampage. Suddenly, he swung the knife high enough for me to duck down. However, his swing was the same level as my height, and I was starting to wonder if he did this on purpose, as a person like him, out of all people, would at least know how to swing a knife.

Though, I was not complaining about his low-levelled fighting capabilities for I was fast enough to hold his arm back as he tried to swing again. After that, I head-butted him and elbowed his arm for him to drop the knife, then finished him with a mere punch to the face, leaving him unconscious on the floor. I realized that he was already immobilized after the collision with my head and his chest, so the following moves were unnecessary.

Bearing a smile from my victory, I grabbed his knife and raised it like I was about to kill him but I just stabbed his shirt and pinned it to the ground. In an adrenaline-filled frenzy, I used my powers to put the knife deeper into the ground so that he had no choice but to rip his shirt to escape. I thought the fight ended but it was only the beginning.

A ripped guy with tattoos that made him look more grotesque than scary emerged from the ring around me and looked like he wanted to fight in order to avenge his equally, if not lesser, built friend. I did not know what I signed up for when I came here in the first place but I was pretty sure I would have never thought I was going to be involved in fights with beefy dudes. This challenger did not come with a knife that time, fortunately. I expected a weak blow from this guy but he knew aerobatics and jumped in the air, kicking me harder than any attack I had ever dealt. Unlike other people, this guy was tougher, stronger and faster.

The Silverist (old version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt