Chapter 14

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Low hanging branches whipped at Princess's face. Anger, seasoned with bitterness and hurt, boiled so hot she saw nothing but a green haze. What a nut! She glanced back to make sure the so-called teacher-man wasn't following. Only pines and brush. Good.

How could that man have known the ordeal she'd been through since leaving Racah? Despite the heat, chills ran up her spine. He must be from the dark lands. Her steps quickened. Fear drove her deeper into the woods like fire on her heels.

Sweat trickled down her face and neck. Her lungs ached from hard and fast breathing. Good riddance to Jerin, as well. No more of his nagging and pushing to go faster.

Never should have left in the first place, hissed a familiar voice in her mind. You had everything you wanted. A nice, comfortable castle to live in. Servants at your command. All the delicious delicacies you desired.

Her stomach rumbled. She almost regretted passing on the promise of a fish meal. Those meager strawberries hadn't held back her hunger for long.

You gave up so much for a journey into nowhere. You have no idea where you are going or where it will end.

Princess slowed, her head spinning like the other times Master invaded her thoughts. She glanced around expecting him or his henchmen to leap from behind one of the tall pines. The only sound in her ears came from her racing heart.

Opening her water pouch, she gulped down several swallows, hoping to wash away the dryness and bad taste. Instantly, the angry emotions churning inside subsided. The haze clouding her vision cleared. She thought harder about the stranger, his linen shirt, and brown pants, his roughened hands clasping the walking staff. His face and build were similar to Master's, but there was a calm gentleness to the traveler she had never sensed with Darnel. The difference between them was like a warm summer night compared to being caught in a blizzard. Her anger cooled to a low simmer. She sucked in a long calming breath and took another sip.

The stranger had called her—Alyra.

Memories of riding upon a man's shoulder flooded her mind. White, sparkling towers rose against a brilliant blue sky.

"That's where you'll be trained, Alyra," The man who carried her craned his head up so she could see his face. His eyes were the same gold-brown as hers. He was a slightly younger version of the man she dreamed of standing beside the freshly dug grave. "Your mother and I both had our training at the Academy. You'll be taught how to use your special talent."

Special talent? Your mother and I?

Princess plopped down on a fallen trunk, rubbing her aching head to settle the rampant, tumbling thoughts.

Had she been dreaming of her father all these years? Was the sparkling city where King Shaydon lived? Maybe she really did come from Aloblase. If so, how did she end up in Lord Darnel's castle? She took another drink of the sweet, honey tasting liquid. Was her real name Alyra? Not Princess, but Alyra.

"Ah-lear-ah," She liked how the sound rolled off her tongue.

Where was Jerin? She bolted up and spun around, searching. Where was she?

The narrow path, weaving through the deep woods, was covered in pine needles and dead leaves. She brushed the debris aside with her foot to find rich brown dirt below.

Oh no, the white rocks were gone!

"Don't panic. You only need to backtrack your steps." She took several deep breaths to calm the rising sense of dread. Maybe if she returned to the stream, the teacher, or guardian-man... whoever he was, would still be there. She'd apologize for being rude and ask him to help her find Jerin.

Illuminated: Book One of the White Road ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now