Chapter 24

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Alyra checked her packs one more time adding the jar of cream made from the fruit of the White Tree. The healer had also provided several packets of herbal teas to help with aches and pains. Marya had even made what she called a Healer's pack that Alyra could wear strapped to her belt. Inside were a few basic supplies needed to treat minor injuries.

"Your medallion might not say you're a Healer," Marya helped Alyra slip on her backpack. "But knowing various skills helps you to be well-rounded and knowledgeable, sweet-pea. From Jerin, you can learn to fight, and you can teach him what you know about healing herbs. Iron sharpens iron, as they say."

The people of Many Rivers provided her with a new dark brown cloak, along with another new pair of shoes, since the others had worn down during her stay. Carah's dagger was strapped to her waist, something Jerin insisted on though she knew she'd probably never use it. She looked around the homey cottage, her chest aching over leaving the comfort and security she'd enjoyed there.

As they gathered the remaining bags, Marya said, "I want you to know you'll always have a place here whenever you're in need. Always." She kissed her cheek. "Always." She kissed her other cheek. "Always!" She ended with a peck on her nose.

Alyra secured her cloak over her pack fearing her heart would shatter if she didn't leave soon. Taking a deep breath, she headed outside. The rains had come last night, causing the morning sun to glisten off the wet ivy covering the porch railings. The flowers growing along the walkway sparkled as though they were made of glass. The tall, green grasses dripped with dew as if they also wept tears with her. She was losing the battle to hold hers in check.

Jerin waited beside the road. His new shield, adorned with the emblem of the white tree hung over his shoulder covering his backpack. A chainmail vest peeked out from beneath his pale blue shirt, and a new sword was strapped to his waist. She hoped they wouldn't get into any battles, but at least he was prepared if they did.

Her chest hurt so bad she could hardly breathe. She didn't want to have to do the goodbyes. She searched the yard and woods, still not seeing Lotari anywhere. Perhaps he felt the same way.

"Ready to go, Alyra?" asked a voice from behind her. She turned to see Issah walking up from behind Marya's cottage.

"I guess."

He stopped in front of her and cupped her face in his hands. "When you are part of the Alburnium kingdom, you're part of a huge family. You never say goodbye forever. It's more of a, 'I'll see you again, some future day.'"

"Will I see you again along the road?"

"Absolutely. I'll be there anytime you need me."

She was about to ask why she hadn't seen him since he'd brought Jerin when his last words registered. He had always been there when she really needed him. She'd been safe here. And he stood before her now, offering encouragement. She smiled and nodded.

"Issah, do you think ...?"

"He's on his way."

She'd never get used to how he always seemed to know her deepest thoughts.

Jerin's eyes widened when he saw Issah. Smoothing his shirt nervously, he gave a low bow. "Good day, Sire."

Alyra wondered at his strange behavior. Why the formality with Issah? Then, she'd never really understood Jerin. Turning to the woods, she watched the trees for Lotari.

Issah returned the bow. "I was hoping for a few words with you, Son. Before you set off."

Jerin's face brightened into a smile. "Of course."

Illuminated: Book One of the White Road ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now