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Kaitlyn was in and out mostly due to the drugs Gennie kept feeding her everytime she started hurting but also she had to tell her to drink 2 baggies of blood every two to three hours.

I was just happy wolf when she woke up. Wyatt and Hayes and Kassidy said there was a spark in eye. They were all glad that Kaitlyn was ok.

That night went by fast and said the Rogue had been asking to see me. If I seen her I would tear her to shreds so I told Derrik to tell her to eff off and not to ask for me right now and if she wanted to talk to someone she had to talk to my father.


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Adrian's POV

The next night I woke up to my sweetheart screaming. This scared me. I touched her cheek and her eyes fluttered.

"Huh? What?"

"You were screaming."

"I was?"

"Yeah. You didn't hear yourself screaming?"

"No. I had no idea I was. Sorry."

"It's fine, I'm here. What were you screaming for?"

"I don't know. I wasn't dreaming."

Ok now I was confused. If she wasn't dreaming then she shouldn't be screaming right?

I scooted closer to her and she curled in to me. I laid there awake for awhile and just when I had gotten back into a good sleep my alarm clock

went off. I groaned and slapped it off my nighstand.

"Oops." I shrugged and fell back asleep.

About 10 minutes later I'm guessing because it didn't feel like I slept that long and Wyatt knocked twice before he barged in.


I fell out of the bed and when I got up Kaitlyn wasn't in bed.

I looked everywhere before Wyatt stopped me and handed me a letter from her and Kassidy.

I read it and it said


This is Kassidy writing you this, but theses next words are all hers. I'm sorry for waking you up screaming. I got up and kissed you before I left

for school. I couldn't wake you up. I felt bad for keeping you up. So Hayes and Kassidy gave me a ride to school. I'll see you when you get here. I

love you. Oh Kassidy says she loves you too haha.  
      Love, Your Blind Mate.

 I calmed down after I read it. I kept the letter with me all day. Once I got to school the classes were switching out so it must mean they were going to first period. I ran in wolf speed even though I wasn't in wolf form to Kaitlyn's next class.

He noticed how the pack started to show her respect now that everyone knew she was his.

When she passed me I seen her do a double take and smile. Kaitlyn breathed my name. I wrapped her in my arms.

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