MY BLiND MATE Chapter 14 <3

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Authors note:

Hey! Sorry it's a day late! It was storming last night and I don't like to be online when it does. But the movie Avengers was effin FANTASTIC!!! I seriously <3 me some Thor! The answer is YES...if you're wondering I'm a nerd lol...

But's chapter 14



I wanted to be free and under no one's rule except my own. These other people that I created obeyed me so well that they masked their scents so they only smelled like a human. I had to train all 12 of them in 4 weeks time to get ready to attack this group. I told them not to attack Kacy or there would be hell to pay.  I kept them in the house and they were only allowed to go outside at night and shift but they had to stay near this house or they would be torn apart by Night Cereus. I couldn't let that happen.

I didn't exactly care for them but they were all I had to hopefully take down this respected pack and only then would I happy with the start of my reign of Leadership.


Kaitlyn's P.O.V.

I stood there in the shower just shocked as I could ever be. He told me he loved me and then left to go find my mom with out letting me say anything. Was he that scared that I would reject him? He was there for me in every single way just like he told me he would be. He really was my rock.

Last night was the best night in my life except I went blind.......again. I felt the little spark in my heart ignite throughout my body and I finally realized he was my one true love and my mate. I didn't really think about it because I'd been to concerned about myself. I really needed my best friend.

I felt conceded, I mean completely conceded that I had been caring more about myself than him. I was completely and absolutely in love with Adrian. I felt the bond open more and my vision lightened even more. I wondered if I accept the feelings I have for him my vision will come back. Maybe...hopefully....I prayed that it would.

I heard my mom come in and say "What's wrong?" I smiled and said "I-I love Adrian." Mom squealed like a little girl and wrapped the towel around me.  Mom said "How long have you known?" "I just felt it ignite in my heart then spread through out my body......Momma...can I tell you something and you have to promise not to tell anyone?" "Yeah...honey you know you can tell me anything." I nodded. " vision keeps lighting up every time I accept how I feel about Adrian. It lightened up when I first accepted that he was nice and sweet and I liked him automatically. Now it lightened up even more when I said I loved him." She gasped and said "I don't know what to tell you but the bond that you two have is impressive and you can tell you two really care for one another, but also The Mating Ritual and The Bond that starts to form will do amazing things." I nodded in some what understanding. I guess after Adrian and I mated officially I would understand completely.

After I got dressed I told mom to call Kassidy for me because I needed to talk to her. "Honey, Kassidy is here already. Didn't you know that, she's with Hayes." "Oh, well can you go down and get her for me please?" "Yeah, I'll be back."

 While mom went to get Kassidy I checked in on Adrian.

**Hey, how's you dad?**
**He's doing alot better, almost completely healed now. How are you, you ok?**
**I'm fine. When you come back, we are seriously talking.**
**About what.**
**Ohh I think you should know.**

**Oh, that**
**Yeah that, but I promise it'll be a good talk**
**You absolutely promise it'll be good?**
**Yes, I always keep my promises.**

A second later I heard the door open and I told Adrian I would talk to him later. Again he said I love you but I wasn't going to say it until we were face to face. I wanted to hear his reaction.

I heard Kassidy come in and she gave me death gripping hug.

"Kaitlyn I feel like I'm a bad bad friend. I heard about your eye sight but Hayes wouldn't let me out of his sight because of all the chaos going on."
"No Kassidy that fine. So are you Hayes mate?" I asked.

 She giggled and whispered "Yeah."
"YES!" I squealed.I had hoped she would be part of the pack so I said "Yay! I'm so happy for you guys."
Kassidy laughed. "Thanks. He's so protective, but I do have a couple of questions though."

She let go and we sat on the bed and Kassidy started firing questions with shaky hands.

"What's the pulling sensation I get when he's around, when I first saw him it was just us, what that about? And....and....when I went home I felt a sadness within my soul, what that mean?" She said all this in one breath. Kassidy then  another deep breath but before she could start firing another round of questions I put my hand over her mouth and said

"Calm down, I'll answer them, but you just gotta give me a chance too."

Kassidy nodded and I took my hand away and placed it in my lap.

"Ok now with the pulling at your heart within your chest, even though you're human, it's the bond starting to form between you and Hayes. The sadness in your soul is because your not just his mate you're his soul mate too so that means your even rarer to him so he wants to protect you at all costs. Any thing else?"

I heard her biting her lip and open her mouth but then shut it again.
"Kassidy, it's ok. Adrian isn't listening I promise."
She put my hand on her cheek and nodded but she was also nervous about something, I just got that vibe off her and her cheek was warm also so Kass was also blushing. I think she was nervous about her next question.
"He wants to mark me as his own...but..but I cant let him..." Kassidy just blurted out.
"Why can't you?"
She wouldn't answer me so I just let it go.

**Kaitlyn, stay in our room. Get Kassidy to lock the bedroom and bathroom door."
**Why? What's going on Adrian, you're worrying me.**

"What's wrong Kaitlyn?" Kassidy asked.

"Go lock the bathroom and bedroom door. I don't know what's going on. Adrian hasn't told me that part yet."

Kassidy got up while I responded back to Adrian. I've got him worried because I didn't respond automatically like I normally do.

**I know I'm worrying you but Kelly came back with Brandon and said that they were coming back from patrol when they seen some Rogues near the front entrance of the Pack House with the intent on hurting some of this pack so Kelly, Brandon, Hayes, Wyatt and I chased them to the Highway and I can't risk loosing you.**

I giggled then responded

**I'll stay here with Kassidy and she is worried about Hayes.**
**Hayes is a little grumpy right now because he's worried about her too, tell her it'll be ok and he's fine.**

Ok. Screw the face to face now. I was really worried about him.

**Ok. Be safe....Oh and Adrian.............................I love you.**
**REALLY????? YOU DO???**
**Yes, just be careful, I can't loose you.**
**I've been hoping you did. And I love you too sweetheart. You won't loose me I promise.**

When Kassidy came back on the bed I told her what Adrian told me and she said "Whew. I was so worried."
I then asked her to either call or text my mom so I knew she was ok.

"I'll text her just in case she's in wolf form or helping somewhere."

I nodded, then heard her typing on her keys. A second later I heard Kass' phone chime.

"Ok, she said she's alright, she's helping your dad with the Elders in the summer house, and the Retirement Home is on lock down too, she wants to know if were ok."

I let out a shaky breath and Kassidy took my hand in hers and we both got under the covers while she cut on the TV and turned down so we could listen for anyone up here roaming around. But we both were also wondering what was going on.

My Blind Mate &lt;3 [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now