Issue #12...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

Start from the beginning

           "And what if while I'm gone—people are conveniently dead when I get back from our little chat?"

          "We're trying to keep a low profile in the day—Oracalcos won't make a move until nightfall either. During the daytime they're just using it to their advantage to obtain more powerful cards."

          "Tell me who they're after—"


          "Tell me who they're going after—or else I'm not going anywhere." I hissed.

          He gave in upsettingly, "Kaiba—we're going after him even if we can't get him alone. He's one of our bigger threats, and they were disappointed when you killed their best chance of success."

So they weren't happy that their Shifter made his way to the shadows, maybe they should have played their game better then. I gave Roran a weary glance, unsure of how I could truly trust him. Despite everything, part of me was thinking about it. Serenity's words echoed in my mind, hasn't there ever been something you just knew you had to do?

"I'll consider going," I said turning away. My body was bothering me again—my legs were shaking in pain from yesterday's events.

          "You'll come then?" he said hopefully.

          "As long as it isn't a trap." I said and then I stumbled and almost fell. Roran caught me and held me back up.

          "Are you okay?" He asked.

          "You have no idea how sickening it is hearing this from you. Am I really that pitiful?" I asked as I pulled myself away angrily.

"You really don't want  to hear the answer to that question," Came the cocky reply.

"Just get off of me," I snapped.

He frowned, letting me stand on my own. "You lost a lot of blood. I picked up on your trail after you left that one place. It looked like a nightmare—"

 "Don't be so shocked..." I took a lot of effort just to keep standing and mouth off to Roran at the same time. "Are you sure they aren't attacking until nightfall?"

He nodded.

"Fine." I could still barely walk. "Since I can't really go too far from here, just meet me two blocks from here...I don't plan on traveling very fast." I said as I saw a bench across from the Blue Eyes White Dragon fountain that didn't look too far away. People were already starting to crowd around the doors.

"Tell you what—I'm going to sleep."

His electric yellow eyes focused on the bench that was so close to the Kaiba Corp doors. "Are you sure? You don't want to be seen alive yet, right? You lay over there and Kaiba will see you once he walks out."

"I doubt he'll even notice me with all of the fans start crowding around the doors."        


          The area was a large menace once people started to pack around the doors of Kaiba Corp. The security guards did not know what to make of it as soon as they all started coming in large crowds of twenty. It was half an hour later before Yugi and Seto even left the building.

 "KAI-BA! YU-GI!" The crowds continuously cheered until they walked out of the building—in which case they started screaming in madness.

 My ears couldn't handle much more than twenty minutes of it. I was hoping I could tune them out—but that was near impossible. I still had half an hour before I would meet Roran, but at least I could start off early. I stood up off the bench as I glanced at Yugi and Seto—glad to know they were at least all right and I headed off into the crowd. Shoving past, people took like fifteen minutes and by the time I got out of the mass of people it was difficult to hold myself up. I looked around to make sure no one was watching as I trotted off, turning into the blue eyed wolf once I was out of sight.

"You're here early;" I told Roran as soon as I was in an alley two blocks away.  The sun shone brightly down in the dark place. I had shape shifted back into human form, my boots softly walking against the ground.

"I followed you once I seen you leave the area. I can fly you know—how else do you think I tracked you down so fast?" I didn't answer, only watching him carefully as he explained. "I wouldn't do this to you Entrez—you understand that after all we've been through, right?" Roran replied, looking at me with plea, hoping I would understand.

My eyes narrowed, "You keep calling me by my spirits name, and frankly I don't know what you mean, "what have we been through," Roran?"

          He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, as if trying to hold back his frustration. I crossed my arms, "Well I'm waiting, obviously you and my spirit have some past history."

A familiar voice echoed in my mind. That's an understatement. Entrez appeared next to me and closed her eyes, and even though it was only for a few moments, a flood of memories poured into my mind...

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