Chapter 27

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Chloe's P.O.V

I can happily say I'm doing okay, I'm not completely overjoyed yet but I'm a hell lot happier than I was four months ago. A few weeks ago some lady in a coffee shop was telling me about how your happiness in life is down to the people you surround yourself with, and now I surround myself with good people. I'm in no way saying that the people I was with four months ago were bad, I'm just saying that I was always upset and yes it's okay to cry a little that's healthy but I was far away from home with people I didn't really know that well and i was very sad, I know that it's in my past and I defiantly do not want to go back there so I shut people from four months ago away, it was the only healthy thing to do, all but one and I don't know why I couldn't get this person away, we weren't even that close we kissed like once but come on then I was going round kissing everyone. This person was determined to see me and I defiantly wasn't putting in effort so If this person wanted to see me then they could sort it, i just wanted nothing to do with the rest of them.


short but I have been busy sorry x

who's this mystery person oooh, comment below who you think it may be..

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