Chapter 39

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Chloe's POV

I woke up to an awfully loud ringtone going off right next to my ear, I answered without looking at the caller ID big mistake

Chloe: hello?
Cameron: hi is this Chloe??

Oh my god no what if he was with shawn or something and I've just answered now they have my new number, do I just put down the phone or - my thoughts were interrupted

Cameron: hi? Chloe??
Chloe: yes Cameron it's me
Cameron: oh good I was starting to think the number shawn gave me was fake
Chloe: shawn? He doesn't have this number?
Cameron: well my friend I think you'll find he does

What the hell? But I was going off track why did he even call me?

Chloe: what do you want?
Cameron: woah blunt. I was ringing to say I was coming to London, it would be really nice to see you Chloe..

His voice softened as he said the last bit, I missed them so much in the first few months everyone had grown to be like my family but things were different now I'd made a new life on my own without any of them, I was finally learning to live without them.

Chloe: I don't think that's a good idea. 
Cameron: what?
Chloe: I mean I'm really busy with work at the moment

I tried to say sounding slightly less rude and not as blunt.

Cameron: I get it Chloe, quit lying
Chloe: what are you talking about?
Cameron: you left that day, you walked out that room with no words I told everyone to give you a few minutes because of what had happened and we got distracted helping shawn and I went into your room 30 minutes later to see your stuff gone Chloe. You left. You ran away from the problem just like always, every time something didn't go perfect you ran. We all cared for you so much no matter what was said, and you just gave up on us all so quickly.
Chloe: Cameron, I urm-
Cameron: just leave it. Forget I never asked. 

And with that he hung up, he was right, I ran. I always ran from my problems every time something went wrong I would pack up and leave and someone always came back for me but that time they didn't I took it as a good thing and learned to get them out of my head, but after what Cameron just said all the memories of learnt to shut out over these past months were flooding back into my mind so clearly. I wanted to see them. I know Cameron was the only one that called I guessed he was coming over to see shawn perform but I wanted to see at least one of the boys..
* phone call *
Lucy (Chloe's manager): hey Chloe what's up
Chloe: do you know by any chance if there's and Shawn Mendes tickets left for any of the nights he's performing do you?
Lucy: I know his management sent over a few tickets but I can check if they've all been taken or not, hang on

Why was I doing this, I could just hang up and never talk about the fact I asked, knowing Lucy she'd be right over asking me what night and how many people for

Lucy: Chloe? You still there
Chloe: yeah yeah sorry I'm just tired
Lucy: well you're in luck I've got two tickets for the first night
Chloe: okay when's that?
Lucy: tomorrow, I'll have to come with you to make sure there is no hassle but I'll get the uber to pick you up on the way okay? It will be about 6:30
Chloe: okay, see you then
*end of call*

What was I doing?


Sorry this was mostly phone calls, it will get more interesting as I pick the plot back up again, it's been a while since I've written, I'm making sure I always have a chapter in draft so I can update regularly

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