Chapter 15: No Way

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{Monday, September 25th; 7:47 P.M.}

"Early this morning MidKnight was seen attacking innocent bystanders. Though no one was killed, two were sent to the hospital with life threatening injuries. This is just a small portion of what MidKnight has been doing lately. Residents of New York are questioning whether MidKnight has officially gone rogue, or if someone is indeed masquerading around as him. So far there's been no contact made from him claiming that he's innocent. And there's no solid evidence to support either theory. He's been seen rescuing civilians among stopping smalltime villains like normal, but that still leave people wondering; Who is the real MidKnight? Is he a villain, or a hero as we all had presumed?"

I blow a long breath out, rolling my eyes in annoyance as I tug the camera strap further up my right shoulder.

He can't be evil....Not after everything I've witnessed. Yet I can't be sure. Things like this happen a lot.

A hero shows up out of nowhere. He earns the trust of the people, he becomes a beacon of hope. Then a little while later he goes and ruins it. Crushing everyone.

Ah, the life of living in a world with super's.

I shake my head, turning away from the display of tv's positioned in this particular store's window. Some electronics store.

Dropping my gaze to the cement ground, I continue my walk forward down the street. There's a haze of darkness in the sky and between the buildings, the lampposts and lights from the shops lighting up the evenings gloom.

September's ending. Barely a week left before October. Which means it's less than a week before my sixteenth birthday.

I'm sure mom and dad will throw a big birthday bash with just the four of us. Turning it into something big despite the few people. Mom will probably make her special pancakes for breakfast and serve them in cool shapes. Cool-whip is a definite, strawberries, and some sweet maple syrup.

I let a sigh out, smacking my lips as the savory meal washes through my mouth like I've just eaten it instead of the chicken casserole I had for supper a hour ago.

The perks of having a chef as a mother.

She'll probably cook a homemade two layer cake. Cream-cheese and vanilla icing with vanilla layers with just a small layer of chocolate in the middle.

I'm a vanilla girl.

I kick a loose rock across the cement ground, stuffing my hands inside the pockets of my dark brown lightweight jacket I'm forced to where thanks to this cursed cool weather that's blowing in. My good mood deflates as mind-pressing thoughts I'd been holding off suddenly replace my joyful ones.

Ever since Fiona started that rumor on Friday I've been receiving accusing, curious, and furious glares none stop at school.

There's a tug in my chest, my lips turning down in a frown.

Sure it's only the second day. It'll wear off eventually. But I've got to make it through it first. Then there's Aaron.

He met up with me today at lunch, and we talked in private afterwards. He said he believed me 100%. No doubt about it. Saying he wanted to continue off where we were.

For all means I should be ecstatic. I should be overjoyed he's determined that Fiona is indeed only pulling everyone's leg.

But for some reason, something just

Maybe it's the way he watches me oddly from the corner of his eye when he thinks I'm not looking. How he now puts extra space between us.

I don't know. Maybe it's just me overthinking as usual. Trying to read too much into it.

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