Chapter 12: Bowling

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{Monday, September 18th}

I wave bye to mom, her face still tense in concern as she waves back. Even Michael expressing some concern.

Yeah, yeah. I was kidnapped two days ago and she thinks I should've taken the week off.

Traumatic event = a week off from school.

Or so she thinks.

I on the other hand just wanted to go back to what had started to become my normal routine.

Wake up in the morning. Mess with your little brother while you eat and listen to the news. Go to school. Hang out with friends. Follow this guy around afterwards.

Definitely better than sitting around in my room going over what happened repeatedly in my head.

No thank you.

So here I am, standing on the curve as mom slowly drives away with Michael like she expects me to change my mind all so suddenly and come rushing back to save me.

Sure I appreciate her concern and her support. But this is bordering on controlling issues.

I turn around, throwing my backpack up on my shoulder as I take a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.

I take a step forward, my eyes immediately landing on two people dressed in overalls that are currently doing something to those grey boxes: the High Rise Detectors.

Hmm, I bet they're adding that newly found mineral to the mechanism. The 'extra' security.

Speaking of security, there's two security guards standing around with them.

Making sure no one tries anything huh?

I wryly shake my head, continuing up the cement steps that lead up to the front entrance of the school.

My feet stop as they land on another figure. The leather clad Dravin to be more precise.

He's standing off to the left, leaning up against one of the trees they have out for decoration as he stares over at the entrance. Arms crossed over his chest.

And he's added something to his apparel...?

A black pair of sporty sunglasses sits on the bridge of his nose, the pitch black shades completely shielding his eyes.

It's not even sunny out today. Cloudy with a chance of rain all day.

That reminds me, I wanted to watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs again sometime soon.

What's he doing?

I'm suddenly thrown from my thoughts as a arm wraps around my waist. I look down to my right.

"Hey there, Heavyn!" A very bubbly Zoey yells, catching the attention of a few people passing by.

"Hiya guys." I greet them both, looking up at Zack who's behind Zoey.

"How are you doing?" Zack thoughtfully questions, sounding as sincere as you can get.

I shrug. "I'm honestly alright. Just needed some Netflix and ice cream while I chilled in my gazillion piles of blankets for a day."

Zack smiles, Zoey giving a amused laugh.

"Oh yeah. That'll do it." Zoey nods, bonking Zack on the shoulder. "You should've seen me. I think I watched all the seasons for the Flash in one day." She looks thoughtful.

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