Chapter 9: Assignments and Ice Cream

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"Oh my gosh! I can't believe you almost kissed!" Zoey loudly squeals as she washes her hands, her face one of excitement.

I bite my lip to contain a smile, turning off the water tap as I finish washing my own hands.

We're currently in the bathroom at school, all our classes done for the day. And Zoey being Zoey, had grabbed the first chance she could to get me alone to talk about yesterday evening.

Which is why she's now looking like she's going to pass out.

She fans her face, water flipping off her hand. "So dreamy." She sighs, pulling a paper towel out of a dispenser on the wall.

I dry my hands, throwing my own towel away. "Well we didn't." I remind her, fixing my cap on my head.

She rolls her eyes, leaning closer to the mirror as she examines herself. "But the point is that he wanted to." Her eyes look back at me from in the mirror. "And so did you." She pointedly says, pulling out her lipstick from her purse.

She pulls the lid off with a pop, setting it up beside her lips. "And don't think I didn't notice the way you both kept shyly looking at each other during lunch." She carefully reapplies her lipstick, smacking her lips when she's done.

Aaron had joined us for lunch again today, which mostly consisted of small chitchat, and Zoey fulfilling her promise about telling Aaron all she knows about Dravin.

And speaking of Dravin....He's been missing all day. Yup, haven't seen even a glimpse of him.

I'd thought maybe he just you know, skipped a day like any daring teenager would do.

But none of the teachers even looked remotely concerned as-to where he was today. So I have a feeling his mother - or whoever that is, must've called the school to let them know he wouldn't be attending today.

So does that mean our plans for meeting up later are cancelled too?

That jerk better not of chickened out on me. Because so help me if I have to come in tomorrow morning empty handed I'm blaming him.

I make a face. "Yeah, so what if I was being a little shy." I scuff my black sneaker on the ground, looking anywhere but at her.

"So adorable!" She gushes, placing her lipstick back in her bag as she finishes looking over her hair.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever." I mumble, which only makes her smile in return. I grab the door handle, pulling it open.

Someone rudely brushes past me, their elbow banging into my side. I look back, only seeing the culprits back before she closes herself in one of the stalls.

Zoey ushers me out, glancing back with a stoney face. "What was that about?" I question her once we're a few feet away from the restroom.

She gives a disgruntled sigh. "Drama that's what." She hisses, scrunching her nose up in distaste.

I raise an eyebrow. "Could you maybe be a little more specific?" I pull my backpack up, twisting my cap a little to straighten it.

"That was Fiona Sanders, miss beauty queen of Eleanor Roosevelt." She explains. "Top cheerleader and top dog of the school." She crosses her arms.

I look sideways at her. "There's actually one of those here?" I ask her, not able to mask the surprise in my voice.

This wouldn't be my fist time dealing with a miss 'I get what I want and don't care about others' drama queen.

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