Chapter 10: Saved...Again

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I pop my lips, vigorously scanning through my latest photos I've taken off my camera and added to my computer. The small tv on my dresser rambling on in the background.

I glance at the bottom right corner of my laptop.

Saturday, September 16th. 4:15 P.M.

It's still a whole fifteen sinking minutes until it's time to go. I sigh, clicking on the right arrow on the keypad as I move to the next photo.

I'm currently on my stomach, laying across my bed as I look through my computer, waiting for Zoey and Zack to get here.

We'd made plans two days ago to just go out and enjoy a nice Saturday evening like any normal teenager would.

So that's what we're doing.

I glance to my left, tilting my head to the side as I look over the few pictures I have hanging on my wall.

I call it: My Investigation Wall.....

Because you know, that sounds so awesome.

It basically just has a couple blurry pictures of MidKnight, and two of the actual pictures I took last week when I stupidly went into a bank while it was being robbed.

Guess common sense isn't my forte.

Though when comparing them to the other photos photographers have 'tried' to take, mine look ten times better.

Maybe I should look into photography.

Though that might just be because I'm the only one that was crazy enough to actually get that close.

Sure they still look way too dark - something I've noticed every picture of MidKnight has in common, there's a slight blurriness to it.

But you can actually make him out. It's not just a black blob with arms and legs.

I'd gone the other day to develop the two best pictures I got - one where he's facing me, his head angled to the side. And one when he's flipping the boss guy onto his back, midair.

Which is pretty badass looking if I do say so myself.

There's a few other odds and ends hanging around, a large map of Manhattan smack dab in the middle. Red dots mark at least one hundred locations on the map, a few strings strung across.

What? I thoroughly do my research here.

I close my laptop, deciding I'd rather wait outside. I grab my thin wallet, tucking it into the back pocket of my dark jeans as I tuck my phone into my other.

Who needs a purse when you've got jeans.

Walking over to my dresser, I reach up to turn the tv off. My finger stops on the off button, my eyes zoning in on the screen as a large headline suddenly flickers across it in bold red letters.

Breaking News!

The tv switches to a pictures. Odd rocks stick out of a hole in the desert looking ground, a bluish glow almost seeming to emit from them.

"This just in. Archeologists excavating in the Nevada Black Rock Desert - roughly 300,000 thousand acres of land, last week were astounded when they suddenly started digging up these strange rocks just five inches from the topsoil."

A rushed yet clear voice narrates.

"Scientists are now confirming that they're indeed part of the same meteorite that crashed to earth twenty years - the same rock that created the XHGU5000 formula. They're now calling this rock: The Mystice Meteorite - latin for Mystical."

Unmasking MidKnight (Storm #1) || ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora