Chapter 13: Elevator Trouble

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{Thursday, September 21st.}

   "Last night pedestrians were baffled when they witnessed MidKnight purposely vandalizing city property."

  My jaw drops, eyes glued to the tv across the room. Michael's spoon drops to his bowl with a clink, his own face slack-jawed as we both listen to the morning news.

"He apparently went from shop to shop, ruthlessly breaking glass windows along the way from more then ten buildings. It's reported that nothing was stolen - only thousands of dollars worth of repairs, though there's been over five injuries reported from MidKnight's so-called 'shopping spree' he unexpectedly started last night."

  "That can't be right." Michael points over towards the tv, I distasteful expression on his face. "It has to be a imposter. MidKnight wouldn't do that, he's the good guy." He crosses his arms, leaning back in his chair as he glares over at the screen.

Mom and dad share a glance across the table, faces drawn in worry.

"Well, sport, I'd love to be as positive about this as you. MidKnight's done more for this city then they'll ever give him credit for. But this has happened before. Super gone rogue as they like to call it. Happens to even the best of them." Dad points out, sadly looking down at his food.

  I look back over at the tv, conflicted thoughts bustling around in my head.

  'Rogue' is a term people came up with when a super suddenly misbehaves - aka, decides to start destroying stuff without a reason.

  It's ether the stress - the responsibility, of being a super that finally sets them off their rocker, or they've simply been planning it from the get-go.

  "I think he's waiting for something."

  Aaron's words from nearly two weeks ago flash through my head, it becoming too real to my mind.

  Has he really gone rogue? After everything he's done. After both those times he's saved me?

"Some think it may be a possible Celestial masquerading as MidKnight, some believe MidKnight's gone rogue. Though there's no evidence that supports either of these possibilities, NYPD is advising everyone to stay clear of MidKnight if seen until further notice."

  Mom shakes her head, her face the picture of 'I told you so.' Yeah, have I mentioned before that mom doesn't exactly get along with the Celestial population? Pretty easy to tell huh?

  The reporter in the tv delivers her dramatic ending line before it flips to another story.

"Has New York's very own knight gone rogue?"

  Well, that was depressing.

  I wipe my mouth off, standing up while reaching over to grab my backpack from the seat next to me. 

  "Gotta go, Aaron's picking me up today." I inform them, patting the pouty Michael on the head as I pass him.

  So yeah, you heard me, Aaron's picking me up. A couple days ago he turned up at our table for lunch, acting like his old self again. He's now been joining us each day for lunch since then, and I've got to say me and him are getting pretty close if I do say so myself.

  Cue the girly giggle.

Sure he hasn't exactly asked me to be his girlfriend or anything yet, but we went out yesterday and he kept fidgeting like he had something he wanted to say.

  So that may be making me a bit hopeful. But not too hopeful.

  Do I want a boyfriend?

  I could live without one for awhile. You know, wait for the right guy and stuff like that. But he's literally the first guy I've known that's actually seemed interested in me.

Unmasking MidKnight (Storm #1) || ON HOLDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें