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Evan's eyes open slowly and he groans, rolling over. He looks to the clock, bright red LED's glaring at him. 9:45. The Alpha bolts upright, leaping out of the bed. He's late by an hour and twenty minutes. The Canasian doesn't bother putting on a shirt as he throws himself into his studio, switching on his computer. "Come on, move faster." He grumbles, watching the small loading circle as the computer whirrs to life. As soon as he logs in, Evan throws on his headset and turns on Discord, joining the call. "I'm here!" He declares, earning a few chuckles from the group.

"Evan, you fuck, where have you been?" Tyler ask, a little annoyed. It worried him, too. Evan is never late for anything. Never.

"Sorry, I managed to oversleep." The larger Alpha rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, smiling nervously. "So, what are we playing?"

"Gmod!" The voice of Delirious announces cheerily.

"Wow, you sound better now Evan's here." Nogla says, snickering.

"Be quiet, you oaf." Del mumbles. "I'm just excited." Evan chuckles at the older male's excitement and he logs into Steam, opening Gmod and joining their server. There are seven people today, unlike how there were five yesterday. Nogla, Lui, Tyler, Brock, Brian, Del, and Evan.

"Hey, where's Craig, Tyler?" The Alpha asks, looking to his friend's character. Tyler splutters a hurried 'why would I know?' before pulling a shotgun. "Fuck, relax." Evan says, backing away. "You're just with him all the time, I thought you might know." After that, there's no more conflict, just a lot of laughter as they played. After mucking around a while on Sandbox, they switched to a quick game of Prop Hunt.

"Hey, Anthony, Marcel and Scott wanna join." Tyler says, his character freezing in game.

"They can join." Evan say, not waiting for anyone elses confirmation. It may sound like he's bossy or big-headed, but really, he's not. He's rather modest. The Canasian is just the Alpha of the group, despite there being other Alpha's. He's the second largest Alpha's in the group, Tyler coming in as the first, Marcel as the third. So, everyone listens to him. They say he has the nature of a leader, too.

"Ayo, wassup?" The voice of Scott breaks through the call.

"Heyyyyyy!" Marcel draws out the 'ey' sound for as long as he can.

"Hi." Timid little Anthony. He enjoys spending time with them, but they're all Alpha's aside from Brock, Scott being a Beta, so that makes him nervous, even though he isn't afraid of the men. They all begin to chatter, the three new men joining the game and playing.

At one point, everyone in the Props team had been found, but all Hunters had managed to kill themselves. That leaves Evan finding Delirious. "Where are you, little raccoon?" The Alpha teases, a smirk on his face.

"I don't know, owl man. Where am I?" Delirious counters, smiling. He's a mug, and he sits carefully on a desk next to a computer. The Omega spots a better place to hide, higher up, so he makes a noise of effort as the small mug jumps from the desk to a shelf, jumping to a higher shelf and sitting there. Evan walks into the room, shotgun in hand, and he looks around. "Welcome!" Delirious teases. "Welcome to my office, owl man. Please, have a seat." Evan crouches his character on a large office chair, smiling.

He's already spotted Delirious, but he won't tell him yet.

"Yes, hello. I'm here for the job interview?" Evan plays along. In the background, a couple of the dead hunters attempt to spot the Omega's hiding spot.

"Yes, Mr. Fong. What are your qualifications?" Delirious accidentally lets his hand slip, hitting the keyboard. His character moves forward, and Evan pretends not to see it.

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