A grin spreads out across Jon's face as he laughs, watching as his character does a corpse launch across the map. Laughter of five other men coursed through his headset, causing him to laugh harder than before. He respawns and giggles. "I-I wanna s-see from s-someone else!" He laughs, a man with an owl mask appearing on screen.

"Here, let me- I'll do it." His friend Evan laughs, running toward the pole. He glitches in place for a few seconds before his character is pushed to the sky, moving away rapidly. Everyone laughs, but a swirling feeling rises in Jon's stomach. He curses under his breath, grabbing the bottle of pills by his desk and throwing two in his mouth, already beginning to sweat. He frowns, wiping his forehead, and he sighs. As soon as he looks up, he goes into another fit of laughter and giggling, watching as three other corpses fly through the sky. There's a tremendous wheezing, which can only come from Tyler, which sets everyone off once more, Craig's loud laughter managing to overpower everyone elses.

Jonathan begins coughing, the feeling rising once more in his stomach. He curses, knowing he can't take any more pills for another hour. He'll just have to leave. "Guys, I-I gotta go."

"You alright, Del?" Evan asks.

"Yeah, I just-" He holds back a strangled noise and attempts not to bang his head on the desk. "I don't feel too good. Play tomorrow?" The group agrees, and the Omega hums a goodbye before switching off the game. He groans, slamming his head onto the desk, and he bites his lip. Jon hates when this happens. They only last an hour, because he can take a larger dose of stronger pills to help the heat die down and him to fall asleep, but god do they suck.

The Omega hears the door open and groans, both in relief and annoyance. "Jon? It's just me!" His best friend Luke calls from the front door. The Omega can't respond. Immediately, the ginger is aware of the situation. "I'm just gonna go put the food in the fridge. I'll be right there."

Luke is a Beta. It has his pro's and cons. Pro's are the fact that he isn't affected by Jon while he's in heat, just kinda uncomfortable. But they've known each other since they were just kids, so it's not that uncomfortable. He's had to deal with this for the past three years, helping Jon get through his heats. But the cons are that he can't actually help his best friend. As much as he'd love to, he's a Beta, so he can only have sex and impregnate other Beta's, meaning he can't help Jon as much as he'd like to. The most he can do is help him with toys.

But that's a little uncomfortable for the both of them.

I don't think you'd usually ask for your best friend to help you orgasm.

But, here we are.

Luke walks into Jon's office, unable to smell what the Omega is emitting and just stares at his helpless best friend. His head is still on the desk, but he's somehow managed to take off his shirt and jeans. His body is covered in sweat and Luke cringes at the smell of body odor and slick combined. However, he doesn't show it.

"Jon? Are you okay?" The Omega whimpers in response, fidgiting. He's desperate for contact. That much is obvious from the way he moves, a pillow over his crotch in order for some friction. "Do you need help?" Luke offers, frowning. The Omega nods and whimpers once more, a sigh escaping the Beta's lips. "Guess it can't be helped." He mumbles, walking toward his best friend. "Relax."


"I wonder what's wrong with Del." Marcel asks, shooting a pedestrian.

"I know! He's been getting ill in the middle of sessions more frequently." Craig says, helping Marcel with killing innocents. "Do you think he's okay?"

Red Heat (H2OVanoss) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now