“I missed you.”, Perrie then says, the playful tone leaving her voice as she plays with Jade’s hands.  “You didn’t come over last night.”, she adds on with a pout.

  “I thought I told you, baby.  You know that I’ve added extra hours to my practice time.  I need to work hard to be prepared for this week’s game.”

  “I know, but I didn’t think that meant you wouldn’t be able to come over for some ‘us’ time.”, the blonde whines, and she hides the smile when she knows she's made Jade feel guilty.

"I'm sorry, baby, I really am, and you know that.  It's just that, well, there's a lot riding on this game, and I need to be ready for it."

"You're fine Jadey, you'll do great.  You don't need to stress yourself out and work too har-"

"Perrie, when people find out I was with you instead of practicing, they're going to start putting the blame on you, and I don't want that.  I don't want you to get the blame for any of this."

"So, none of this frustration is about me, then?  Since the blame shouldn't be on me?", Perrie asks with a hopeful smile on her face, and Jade sighs.

"I knew you wanted to figure this out, just like the entire school-"  Before Jade can turn and walk away, Perrie cut her off with a sweet and loving kiss that the brunette easily returned.

"You can't blame me for worrying, Jade.  Yes, everyone wants to know, me especially, because we want to help you.  We can't help if you won't let us."  Perrie get's a small smile out of her girlfriend, and she's about to lean in for another kiss, before someone clearing their throat stops her.

"Hey Perrie!  Can I talk to you for a sec?"  Perrie knew that voice from anywhere, and she wished he'd just go away.  She could feel Jade's muscles tense just from his presence, and she knew that it was nearly impossible to have both of them in the same area at the same time.

"Uh, not right now Zayn, I'm kinda in the middle of something.", she replies as nicely as she can, even though she just wants to snap at him, telling him to open his eyes for once and see that she and Jade were having a conversation.

"No, no, it's fine.  I was just leaving.", Jade says, her jaw clenched and her face cold.

"No!  Jadey-"

"It's fine Perrie.  I'll see you later."  Jade places a small kiss on Perrie's cheek, then walks off with a final glare towards Zayn.  Perrie knows that they both absolutely loathe each other, and she's fine with that (because angry and protective Jade is so hot), but she'd rather have Zayn leave instead of Jade.

"Sorry about that.", the raven-haired boy says, but Perrie knows that he's not sorry at all.

"What's up Malik?"

"What are you doing tomorrow after school?"

"Cheer practice."

"After that?"

"I was gonna see if I could meet up with Jade."

"Really?  You actually think she's gonna be able to see you at all this week?  Let's face it, she's too busy with getting ready for the game."

"She's only working herself so hard because the entire school is pressuring her...poor baby."

"Aren't you gonna get bored, you know, without her to keep you company?"

Perrie sighs, knowing he's right.  "Yeah, I guess.  Just get to the point Zayn."

"We should go and see a movie tomorrow...what do you say?"

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