Chapter 13

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Keith walked down the road, shadows lining the rubble-filled ground. The sky was a light orange, a night sky following behind it.

Shit. Why did I choose to leave at night? Keith thought, looking around. The thought of zombies attacking him in the dark spooked him a bit.

Keith gripped his sword, keeping it rested on his shoulder as he walked, his eyes high in alert. He stopped by a familiar place. Oliver's gang's hideout. Keith knocked on the door, "Oliver's Gang. It's me. Keith. Part of the group with Lance in it?"

A man, about 19, maybe 20, opened the door just a crack and looked at him, "Did you find Oliver and him?"

Keith shook his head, "No. I need you to take me to the exact place the zombies attacked" He said coolly. The man closed the door, undid a few chains, and opened the door;

"Come in, Keith. We know you. Tony told us to expect you" The man said, and held out his hand as Keith walked in and shut the door.

"My name is Luis. I'm Oliver's friend. The girl with brown hair is Hera, and the two boys on the couch are Nick and Damon. Damon is the Yellow haired one, and Nick is the red haired one. Don't try and flirt with Hera. Nick and her are dating" Luis laughed, which earned a scowl from Nick,

"Shut up Luis! That's not how you introduce people!" He growled.

Damon hid a smile, "Hey, if you see a tall teenage boy with green hair, can you tell him that Damon's lookin' for him?" He asked, jumping up and resting his elbows on top of Nick's head, "You know, your pretty cute for a guy"

Keith felt his face flush, "What..?!-"
"Don't mind Damon. He's really gay" a boy with green hair rolled his eyes, stepping into the hideout and shutting the door.

"Jiji..!~" Damon smiled and threw his arms around the green haired boy. He looked very pale next to Damon, who was tanner than the rest.

"Jared, glad your back. We have a visitor" Tony nodded to Keith, who was confused as hell in this room.

Hera laughed, "Boys please, I think you are overwhelming him with names" she said, standing up and looking at Keith, "You said you are looking for Lance and Oliver? I'll take you to the last known place"

"I want to come to!" Damon shouted, which earned a sigh from Jared, "Guess I'll come" he said.

"Me too" Tony said, and Nick nodded in agreement along with Luis, "They are just as much of our responsibility as they are his."


Keith walked alongside the group, slightly hunched over in irritation, aaand everyone's coming. Great. He paused as the group suddenly came to halt, and he struggled to look around Jared, who has to be twice his height.

"This is the place" Hera said, wiping her brown hair from her face. Nick looked at her and gave a small smile, then turned to Keith, "Well? Now what do we do?"

Keith gulped, I'm suddenly leading them? He looked around, walked into the area, and spotted a trail of footsteps. Bloody footsteps.

"Guys. Look" Keith said, pointing towards them. They lead down an alley, and towards a large pile of clothes in front of a gate.

Tony was the first to walk down, his eyes focused on the ground, clouded in fear. He really misses Oliver. Keith realized, following after him, a pang of sympathy hitting his chest.

Damon grabbed Jared's arm and dragged him along, a slight smile on his face, "Look at the cool vines, Jared!"
"Mhm" Jared replied.

Nick and Hera walked side by side behind them, keeping a lookout for zombies. Luis hung out just behind them. Nick seemed petrified of the darkness as they walked, but stood perfectly tall when Petra looked at him. Keith noticed this as they made it to the fence, and looked over it.


Tons and tons of zombies.

Damon covered his mouth, tears flooding his eyes as he pointed towards where the zombies were huddled at. They all surrounded the body of Oliver.

Nick's eyes widened in shock, and Hera wanted to throw up. Which she did silently, backing up into the alley to do so. Jared stared at Oliver's body, his eyes clouding over.

"is.. he dead..?" Luis asked, his voice cracking in sadness.

Keith felt sick as he looked for any traces of life, and any traces of lance. He gasped as Oliver moved, and quickly jumped over the fence.

"Keith, what are you-!" Nick shouted after him, but it was too late.

Keith flashed his arm to his mouth and bit down. Hard.


A loud crash stormed the area, blowing many of the zombies to the side. Keith roared and smacked the zombies aside, one by one, till he was at Oliver's side.

He paused as he stared down at Oliver. His side and arm had been mauled over, and his face was bloody. Keith could tell he was nearing death. Quickly, he grabbed Oliver and swung him over his shoulder, whacking a few zombies with his arm.

"Lance!" Keith called, but had no reply. Keith made his way up the side of a building nearby, the zombies all growling and grunting in protest. Keith's long galra claws made it easy to climb up.

Once he was to the top, he ran towards the edge and jumped, making it unseen to the next building. He then climbed down and motioned to Tony and his group, "Let's get out of here..!"

//OLD// Loving you~Zombie Klance AU जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें