Chapter 9

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Lance woke up to the knock if someone at their base door. Getting up, being careful not to wake Keith, he opened the door and walked through the kitchen, noticing allura had moved one of the couches into the kitchen. Probably paranoid of zombies now.

Lance walked into the living room, Looking through a small hole in the door. He was relieved to see Shiro. He opened the door and smiled, his arms in the air.

"Hey Shiro!" He called happily, and Shiro smiled, "Hey, Lance. We found hunk. These guys, pidge claimed them to be friends, said they found him and helped him out" Shiro walked inside, hunk and Pidge following him tiredly.

"Man, I'm beat" Pidge yawned, stretching out her arms with a yawn. Hunk smiled and hugged lance, then nodded, "yeah, don't mind me, but I'm going to bed now. Catch ya later" Hunk yawned, walking to the kitchen, Pidge following, "yeah I'll come too"

Shiro sat on the couch with a sigh, "Lance, I think you should swap beds with me for now. You seem to enjoy helping Keith, so I'll leave him in your care. I'll go with Coran" Shiro yawned, walking into the kitchen. Lance pouted, but on the inside he was thrilled.


Lance woke up the next morning to hunk poking his head in the door, "Hey, food is done if you guys are hungry" he said, then closed the door. Lance looked over the corner of the bed, and saw Keith was still sound asleep.

He was so exhausted, I can see why he'd still be asleep. Lance thought for a moment, maybe I should sleep for a little longer too- WAIT. I SMELL BACON. HOLY YESSSS lance got out of bed and opened the door, walking out and shutting it quietly so he wouldn't disturb Keith.


Keith opened his eyes too an eery darkness. He stared at his hands, which flashed a light purple color.

"They have chosen you for a reason"

Keith heard someone say. He looked around, confused and scared, and paused in terror as a huge wave of zombies came flashing towards him.

Whenever you need it. All you have to do, is bite you arm...Hard..


Keith lifted his head quickly from the pillow, panting and trembling. He was cold, yet he was sweating. What.. what was that dream..? What did it mean..... he paused and looked at his hands, seeing their normal color. Why did they change...?

Keith paused as he heard the door open, and saw pidge look in, "Hey Keith. You doing okay?" She asked. Keith looked up from his hands and nodded, setting them down quickly.

"Yeah, what's up pidge?" Keith asked. Pidge looked at him, then sighed, "You look ill" she snickered, "did you kiss lance all night or something?"

Keith felt his face grow red, "WHAT THE HELL PIDGE! NO!" He shouted, tossing a pillow at the door as she closed it for protection, not coming back into the room.

Keith growled and laid back down, facing the wall. Stupid Pidge. Stupid.. Keith trailed off as he heard footsteps, and the door opened. Lance came in and shut the door, "Hey Keith"

Keith didn't turn around, but he waved a hand to show he heard him. Lance sighed and got onto the bed, shutting the door and turning on the lights. he held something in his hands, but set it on the bed. "Keith.. I'm sorry about your foot" he sighed, looking at it. Keith kept himself facing towards the wall, not saying a thing. for some reason, he felt angry. he felt alone. he felt helpless.

"I know that it's hard, not being able to help the team with food and stuff, but right now you can help us by getting better" Lance said, with a sigh. "You want some Bacon? I brought you some" Lance suggested, but frowned when Keith didn't budge. "I'll leave them here then"

Lance couldn't help but look at his arms, which were scarring over. he reached out his hand and traced his fingers along them, silently wishing he could heal them. Keith was blushing, screaming internally, W-WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING...!?!? Keith wouldn't admit it, but he actually enjoyed the moment.

Lance paused as he noticed Keith had relaxed a little bit, and blushed, smiling, "You know, Keith.." Lance started, continuing to run his fingers over the scars, noticing that Keith liked it, "I can help you out if you want. I can check your foot everyday, make sure it gets better" He suggested. Keith looked at Lance, who gave him an awkward smile, and couldn't help but smile himself.

"okay" Keith rested his head back, and closed his eyes, smiling even brighter, and blushing even more. he was grateful for the shadow of the bed above him that loomed over his face as he began to drift off. Lance began to examine more closely at Keith's scars, continuing to run his fingers over them, and he saw... a tint of purple..?

"Keith" Lance asked, shaking him slightly. Keith grumbled and sat up, "What..? you literally just made me fall asleep, and you wake me up again?-"
"look" Lance pointed to his scars. Keith looked at his arm, noticing the purple, his mind flashing back to the dream. he lifted his arm to his head, and looked at Lance, "I have to test something. from my dream I had earlier. I need to know if it's true."

//OLD// Loving you~Zombie Klance AU Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt