Chapter 1

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     Lance's head blasted from his pillow, his heart racing. Sweat dripped down his face as he noticed he was in the familiar home base he and his friends had made.

"W-What..?" Lance panted, wiping the sweat from his forehead, and looked around his base. Keith and Shiro were up, talking in the kitchen, unable to see Lance up at the moment, Allura and Coran were sleeping on the two other couches that were moved in recently, and Hunk was helping Pidge understand how to gather the best food when scavenging.

Lance gulped, his heart beat calming down slightly as he stood up uneasily and slid into the kitchen.

"Hey Lance" Shiro smiled as Lance reached for a bottled water they kept full all the time. "You seem terrified. Did you have a nightmare?" Keith asked, a slight mocking tone could be heard in his words.

"Fuck off" Lance growled, Chugging the water from the bottle down. The image of the zombie's still locked in his mind.

Keith stuck out his tongue and walked over to him, examining his face. "You did have a nightmare. What about?"

"I said, Fuck off!" Lance yelled, and Shiro quickly cupped his hand over Lance's mouth, "Shh. We don't want the zombies to figure out we are here" Shiro said gently, and lowered his hand from Lance's mouth.

"Lance. Whatever you dreamed about, it was a dream. It didn't happen, okay?" Keith said after there was a moment of silence. Lance was slightly surprised that Keith said it, and not Shiro. Keith barely cares about Lance.

Keith smiled slightly as Lance looked away and nodded, he felt oddly warm being nice to him. He didn't exactly understand why he comforted Lance, but he was glad he did, because Lance seemed to be much calmer than before.

Pidge poked her head in the kitchen, "Sorry to interrupt you Loud-mouths, but I'm going scavenging. Anyone want to come?"

"I'll go" Keith said, feeling awkward in the room with Lance and Shiro. His mind pushed him to get away.

"Okay. Let's go then" Pidge said, and with a wave of her hand, Keith followed her out of the kitchen, and out the front door. Shiro locked the door, all 14 locks were set up now.

Lance couldn't help but feel left out now, I wanted to go! He pouted in his mind, and looked at Shiro.

Shiro chuckled, "As soon as they get back, I'll go Scavenging for food with you. Sound good?" He asked. Lance nodded, his eyes sparkling. "Yeah! Okay!"

Allura sat up on the couch, "Shh. Lance" Her eyes made her look tired, and her white hair was up in a ponytail.

"Sorry Allura" Lance said, his fave reddening in embarrassment. Second time, Lance. In less than 3 minutes. Wow. No one is as loud as you. Lance thought, sitting on the floor.

Lance groaned in boredom, "guess we will wait till they get back then."

//OLD// Loving you~Zombie Klance AU Where stories live. Discover now