Chapter 5

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Lance pulled out the Cake hunk had made in happiness, "Hunk! It worked! It looks so good- How'd you do it?" He asked, setting on the table.

"I don't know" Hunk laughed, blushing in embarrassment. Shiro, allura, and Coran tried to get comfortable to see the cake, but this was a rather small base.

The base had a living room with 3 (small) couches and a kitchen, and in the closet near the kitchen, there were two bunk beds claimed by Pidge and Hunk. There were also two closets in the living room, where Lance and Coran shared a bunker, and Shiro and Keith shared a bunker. Allura preferred to sleep on the couch, so there was no thought put into an extra bed.

Lance paused and turned around quickly as the door was opened, and Pidge came in quickly, panting. Keith came in next, falling to the ground, panting and shaking.

"Pidge?! Keith?!" Shiro ran over and quickly grabbed Pidge's arm to examine it. Lance ran to the kitchen to grab some Ice. "You weren't bit were you?" Shiro asked Pidge, clearly concerned.

"No" Pidge panted, regaining her breath slowly. Lance made his way over to Keith and crouched down beside him.

"Hey buddy. Your foots looking Awful twisted. I think you broke it" Lance grabbed Keith's arms and hauled him up so he could sit down with his legs out, and Lance sat down in front of him with the ice.

"I can do it myse- AGH!" Keith clenched his jaw in pain as Lance set the ice down on his foot, Lance looked at Keith, the word "sorry" written all in his eyes.

Keith rested his head back against the wall, his hands jamming into the ragged carpet that filled their base. "I know, it's gonna hurt Keith" Lance reassured him, knowing this isn't a time for joking around (though he thought about it).

You can do it yourself, moron. Your so weak to let him-AGH! Keith clenched his jaws tighter together, making Lance worry. He's not gonna get better if he moves around like this..

Lance looked at Shiro, raising a fist. Shiro didn't get it at first, but after a few seconds, his eyes widened in recognition, and he nodded.

"Lance, what are you-"
Before Keith could finish, Lance punched him just below his ribs, and Keith could feel the wind get knocked out of him.

Keith felt himself go slightly limp, "Lance, if you do.... that again.." Keith fell forwards slightly, his sitting position making it hard to fall, and Lance quickly sat beside him, holding him up so he didn't fall.

"I'll... kill... y.." Keith went limp, but he was still breathing. Lance sighed, "That should help us fix his foot up" he concluded, looking at Keith. He couldn't help but examine him, as he was close to him at the moment. His purple eyes were now closed, and his skin was much paler than before the apocalypse. His raven-colored mullet was ragged, like it hadn't been brushed in ages.

Lance proceeded to look at his side, which drew his attention because it was bloody, and both Keith's arms were bloody too. Lance bit his lip, god, he really got beaten up.
He looked at his face again, and smiled slightly.

He looks kinda.. kinda cu-
"Lance?" Shiro asked, as if he'd said it before. Lance jumped slightly, and looked at him, confused.

"I know your concerned, but it's just a broken foot and a few miner injuries. I'm sure he'll be fine" Shiro said, looking around at everyone.

"I can bandage his foot into a cast, but I'll need you to hold him still, Lance" Pidge said, bending down to look at his foot.

You'll be okay, Keith. Lance smiled slightly. Wait. Why do I care....?

//OLD// Loving you~Zombie Klance AU Where stories live. Discover now