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I looked in the mirror at my curled chocolate brown hair. I then looked over at Paige in her French braided pony. I smiled.
"Paige. We are done. Like. Completely done. I can't believe we are about to walk across the stage and get our diplomas. I cannot believe it." I told her putting my fitted black dress on.
"I'm super stoked!! I can't wait to leave this school." She replied back. I nodded. I was gonna be on colorguard for the top college in the state and I could not wait. Most of all I could now be public with my relationship.
Paige and I walked downstairs of my home and saw Josh and Danny. Daniel looked so good. All I could think about was how good he looked. How he was all mine. I took his arm and we drove to the place where we were graduating. It was on a small college campus. I was valedictorian and I had to prepare a speech. I had it ready but what I wanted to do was throw it away and just speak what was on my mind while I was up there.
"You got your speech yet?" Paige asked me turning around.
"Yeah but I don't want it to sound rehearsed. I really want to just speak how I feel." I said. She laughed.
"You're such a perfectionist."
Daniel looked at me sideways.
"Well honey. It's true." He said kissing my forehead. I blushed.
We pulled up to the place and I grabbed my cap and gown from the car. I put it on and Paige and I walked hand in hand to the ceremony.
When I walked in, I saw my whole family and my principle. She waved me over to her.
"So you're going to lead us out into the chairs and you're gonna be the first to get up. Deal?" She asked me. I nodded. "Deal."
I eyed Daniel who winked at me. In less than an hour I could tell the world we are together.
I walked into the ceremony. Everyone was standing and I wanted to cry. I was. Done. Completely.
I walk around and sit down. I then see my principle walk up and grab the microphone.
"I would now like to introduce your class valedictorian Faith Hollings." She said and everyone clapped and cheered. I walked up to the podium.
"Hi. Wow. We made it. I've been dreaming of this day since I was a tiny little girl in Pre K. We had our Pre K program. Our kindergarten graduation. Our 5th grade. And then the next time youre in a cap and gown is when you're a senior. I'm looking out into the audience and I can't believe some people actually graduated. I'm also looking at our teachers throughout the years. I remember being traumatized by Mrs. Littletons class freshman year. Walking into Mrs. Bevilaqua's classroom and hating every second of it. Then junior year I stumbled upon Coach wells, who thought me that it's okay to have a cockroach or two in your classroom. And then this year Coach Packer and I have had a rollercoaster. I'm so proud of this graduating class. As I go off to Alabama and pursue colorguard I really hope you guys go as far as you can dream. And let's have a great night and a great rest of our lives."
Everyone screamed and yelled and I wanted to cry again.
"Class of 2018 please Stand. Move your tassels. You are now graduates of Clearpath High School."
I threw my hat up and I saw Daniel come running down the steps and to me. He picked me up by my waist, spun me, and kissed me. He made me the happiest girl on earth. Everyone looked at us and cheered. I look over at Paige who is locking lips with coach wells.
I finally had an open relationship. And I was more than happy.

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