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"Faith I need to see you after school," coach Packer said as the bell rang for us to leave. I nodded and walked off. All I could think about was that very moment. It was like a sign or something. I brushed it off and went through school only half paying attention because we had a pep ralley and I was set to perform in it. We usually had study hall 7th period but I was supposed to go to the band room and so was the whole corguard. We had to change into our uniforms and get everything ready. We didn't use flags in pep ralleys, so I grabbed my pompoms and headed to the gym to set up. I was stopped halfway there. "Hope, may I see you?" I heard a mans voice yell. I turned around and ran over to Coach Packer.
"Okay so y'all are only performing 2 songs but I want y'all clapping along to everything. Got it?" He said.
"Okay mr agressive" I said and he chuckled at that. I walked into the gym and immediately starting dancing. The songs they played were just so catchy. I could feel his eyes on me. And I loved it.
The first song they played was called basket case. It was a boring classic dance. Then came my favorite song. It was Right Above it by Lil Wayne. The whole band got really into it, and so did I. I just kept dancing and I looked over at Coach Packer who was looking at me and smiling. I winked.
When we got through we didn't have a class because it was the end of the day, and we also didn't have practice because it was game night.
I walked to the band room to get my things and took them to my car. I was about to get dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. I invited the whole colorguard but no on showed up when I got there. It was kind of disappointing. I just went in so that I could get a table and I saw Coach Packer sitting at a booth by himself. Then he got up when I walked in.
"Hey, she's with me," he said and waved. I giggled.
"This is like. Illegal I hope you know," I said sitting down in front of him. He just smiled and shoved a chip in my mouth.
"You talk too much. That'll fix it."
I rolled my eyes and just put my elbows on the table and my head in my hands and stared at him.
"So, if someone sees us here. What do we say?" I asked.
"Just say that it was a colorguard meeting and no one showed up. It'll be okay," he replied. I just sighed and took a bite of my chip.
"Okay also, about earlier. I wanted to clear some things up," he began.
My stomach dropped.
"So you are my student, and I'm very lucky to have a wonderful woman in my class. You're 18. You're smart. You're beautiful. And you have class. I didn't plan on making that speech about true love. But I felt like I needed to address it. Faith, I've never felt this way about anyone and it's so confusing. You're 5 years younger than me. And you're my student. But...I know that if we ever pursued a relationship other than student/teacher. Then we would make it work. So I'm here, Daniel Packer, asking you to try and make this work with me. Would you?"
He held out his hand. I put my hand in his.
I was trying not to cry. But a tear fell from my eye and onto my lap, followed by another. He wiped it.
"I'm more than willing." I replied back to him.
"You see, I would kiss you. But circumstances say otherwise," he told me. I smiled and continued eating. I really had no idea what just happened. We weren't dating. But something close. He followed me back to my car and opened my car door for me.
"Thank you," I said and got in. I just sat there for a second. I looked up at him.
And he did it. He leaned in.

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